Houman Owhadi
Affiliations: | Applied and Computational Mathematics | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Houman Owhadi"
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Xie H, Zhang L, Owhadi H. (2019) Fast Eigenpairs Computation with Operator Adapted Wavelets and Hierarchical Subspace Correction Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 57: 2519-2550 |
Owhadi H, Scovel C, Schäfer F. (2019) Statistical Numerical Approximation Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 66: 1608-1617 |
Owhadi H, Yoo GR. (2019) Kernel Flows: From learning kernels from data into the abyss Journal of Computational Physics. 389: 22-47 |
Budninskiy M, Owhadi H, Desbrun M. (2019) Operator-adapted wavelets for finite-element differential forms Journal of Computational Physics. 388: 144-177 |
Zhang Q, Owhadi H, Yao J, et al. (2019) Multiresolution Operator Decomposition for Flow Simulation in Fractured Porous Media Journal of Computational Physics. 391: 381-396 |
Yoo GR, Owhadi H. (2019) De-noising by thresholding operator adapted wavelets Statistics and Computing. 29: 1185-1201 |
Owhadi H, Scovel C. (2017) Extreme points of a ball about a measure with finite support Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 15: 77-96 |
Owhadi H. (2017) Multigrid with Rough Coefficients and Multiresolution Operator Decomposition from Hierarchical Information Games Siam Review. 59: 99-149 |
Owhadi H, Scovel C. (2017) Qualitative Robustness in Bayesian Inference Esaim: Probability and Statistics. 21: 251-274 |
Owhadi H, Zhang L. (2017) Gamblets for opening the complexity-bottleneck of implicit schemes for hyperbolic and parabolic ODEs/PDEs with rough coefficients Journal of Computational Physics. 347: 99-128 |