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Steven Yantis, B.S., Ph.D.

Psychological and Brain Sciences Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Attention, Cognitive Control, fMRI
"Steven Yantis"
Mean distance: 13.09 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Geoffrey R. Loftus research assistant 1976-1977 University of Washington
Earl B. Hunt research assistant 1978-1980 University of Washington
John Jonides grad student 1980-1985 University of Michigan
David E. Meyer grad student 1980-1985 University of Michigan


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Mazyar Fallah research assistant Johns Hopkins
Daniel Handwerker research assistant Johns Hopkins
Alexa B. Roggeveen research assistant Johns Hopkins
Benjamin Jacob Tamber-Rosenau research assistant 2003-2005 Johns Hopkins
David Yaron research assistant 2005-2007 Johns Hopkins
Kitty Z. Xu grad student Johns Hopkins
J Toby Mordkoff grad student 1986-1991 Johns Hopkins
Douglas N. Johnson grad student 1987-1992 Johns Hopkins (PsychTree)
Anne P. Hillstrom grad student 1989-1994 Johns Hopkins
Peter Kramer grad student 1992-1997 Johns Hopkins
Barry D. Vaughan grad student 1993-1997 Johns Hopkins
Robert Rauschenberger grad student 1996-2001 Johns Hopkins
Takehiko Nakama grad student 1996-2003 Johns Hopkins
Sarah Shomstein grad student 1998-2003 Johns Hopkins
John Serences grad student 2000-2005 Johns Hopkins
Todd A. Kelley grad student 2002-2007 Johns Hopkins
Adam S. Greenberg grad student 2004-2009 Johns Hopkins
Yu-Chin Chiu grad student 2005-2010 Johns Hopkins
Benjamin Jacob Tamber-Rosenau grad student 2005-2010 Johns Hopkins
Brian A. Anderson grad student 2009-2014 Johns Hopkins
Anthony W. Sali grad student 2010-2014 Johns Hopkins
Leon Gmeindl post-doc 2005- Johns Hopkins
Patryk A. Laurent post-doc 2009- Johns Hopkins
Bradley S. Gibson post-doc 1992-1994 Johns Hopkins
Cathleen M. Moore post-doc 1994-1996 Johns Hopkins
Jens Schwarzbach post-doc 1999-2001 Johns Hopkins
Scott D. Slotnick post-doc 2000-2002 Johns Hopkins
Taosheng Liu post-doc 2001-2003 Johns Hopkins
Daryl E. Wilson post-doc 2003-2006 Johns Hopkins
Michael Esterman post-doc 2006-2009 Johns Hopkins
BETA: Related publications


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Gmeindl L, Jefferies LN, Yantis S. (2018) Attention scaling modulates the effective capacity of visual sensory memory. Psychological Research
Sali AW, Anderson BA, Yantis S, et al. (2018) Correction to: Reduced Value-Driven Attentional Capture among Children with ADHD Compared to Typically Developing Control. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Xu KZ, Anderson BA, Emeric EE, et al. (2017) Neural Basis of Cognitive Control over Movement Inhibition: Human fMRI and Primate Electrophysiology Evidence. Neuron
Sali AW, Anderson BA, Yantis S, et al. (2017) Reduced Value-Driven Attentional Capture Among Children with ADHD Compared to Typically Developing Controls. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Gmeindl L, Chiu YC, Esterman MS, et al. (2016) Tracking the will to attend: Cortical activity indexes self-generated, voluntary shifts of attention. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Anderson BA, Kuwabara H, Wong DF, et al. (2016) The Role of Dopamine in Value-Based Attentional Orienting. Current Biology : Cb
Sali AW, Courtney SM, Yantis S. (2016) Spontaneous Fluctuations in the Flexible Control of Covert Attention. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 445-54
Anderson B, Kuwabara H, Wong D, et al. (2016) Relating value-driven attentional capture to striatal dopamine: A positron emission tomography study Journal of Vision. 16: 1134
Tokgozoglu H, Sali A, Anderson B, et al. (2015) Structural, not spectral, representation of shape in lateral occipital complex. Journal of Vision. 15: 244
Laurent PA, Hall MG, Anderson BA, et al. (2015) Valuable Orientations Capture Attention. Visual Cognition. 23: 133-146
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