Andrew J. Tyre
Affiliations: | Natural Resource Sciences | The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE |
Natural Resource Management, Conservation Biology, StatisticsGoogle:
"Andrew Tyre"Children
Sign in to add traineeTrevor J. Hefley | grad student | University of Nebraska - Lincoln | |
John Everett Quinn | grad student | University of Nebraska - Lincoln (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) | |
Charles J. Frost | grad student | 2009 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Ty Matthews | grad student | 2009 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Adam W. Schapaugh | grad student | 2013 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Sign in to add collaboratorJessica L. Burnett | collaborator | 2015- | (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) |
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Hoppe IR, Harrison JO, Raynor EJ, et al. (2019) Temperature, wind, vegetation, and roads influence incubation patterns of Greater Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) in the Nebraska Sandhills, USA Canadian Journal of Zoology. 97: 91-99 |
Raynor EJ, Harrison JO, Whalen CE, et al. (2019) Anthropogenic noise does not surpass land cover in explaining habitat selection of Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) The Condor. 121 |
Ngoprasert D, Gale GA, Tyre AJ. (2019) Abundance estimation from multiple data types for group-living animals: An example using dhole (Cuon alpinus) Global Ecology and Conservation. 20: e00792 |
Tenhumberg B, Crone EE, Ramula S, et al. (2018) Time-lagged effects of weather on plant demography: drought and Astragalus scaphoides. Ecology |
Tyre AJ. (2018) Estimation of Parameters for Animal Populations: A Primer for the Rest of Us by Larkin A. Powell and George A. Gale Great Plains Research. 28: 91-91 |
Hefley TJ, Tyre AJ, Blankenship EE. (2017) Reprint of: Fitting population growth models in the presence of measurement and detection error Ecological Modelling. 359: 461-467 |
Cohen JB, Hecht A, Robinson KF, et al. (2016) To exclose nests or not: structured decision making for the conservation of a threatened species Ecosphere. 7: e01499 |
Hefley TJ, Baasch DM, Tyre AJ, et al. (2015) Use of opportunistic sightings and expert knowledge to predict and compare Whooping Crane stopover habitat. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 29: 1337-46 |
Hiller TL, Belant JL, Beringer J, et al. (2015) Resource selection by recolonizing American black bears in a fragmented forest landscape Ursus. 26: 116-128 |
Hiller TL, Scott Taylor J, Lusk JJ, et al. (2015) Evidence that the conservation reserve program slowed population declines of pheasants on a changing landscape in Nebraska, USA Wildlife Society Bulletin. 39: 529-535 |