
Patrick L. Odell

Baylor University, Waco, TX 
Statistics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
"Patrick Odell"


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Truman Orville Lewis grad student 1966 UT Austin (MathTree)
Dean M. Young grad student 1981 UT Dallas (MathTree)
John W. Seaman grad student 1983 UT Dallas (MathTree)
Phillip A. Rhodes grad student 2000 Baylor University
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Young PD, Young DM, Odell PL. (2015) Quadratic formulae for certain quadratic matrix equations Mathematical Scientist. 40: 35-41
Navarra A, Odell PL, Young DM. (2001) Representation of the general common solution to the matrix equations A1XB1 = C1 and A2XB2 = C2 with applications Computers and Mathematics With Applications. 41: 929-935
Young DM, Odell PL, Hahn W. (2000) Nonnegative-definite covariance structures for which the blu, wls, and ls estimators are equal Statistics & Probability Letters. 49: 271-276
Young DM, Odell PL, Seaman JW. (1994) On The Independence Of The Sample Mean And Translationā€Invariant Statistics For Matrix Normal Distributions Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics. 36: 95-100
Dorsett D, Odell PL. (1993) A model for estimating environmental risk using multidimensional quantal response surfaces Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 17: 77-94
Odell PL, Dorsett D. (1990) Models for combining vector estimators of random parameters Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 13: 57-68
Odell PL, Dorsett D, Young D, et al. (1989) Estimator models for combining vector estimators Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 12: 1627-1642
Young DM, Marco VR, Odell PL. (1987) Quadratic discrimination: Some results on optimal low-dimensional representation Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 17: 307-319
Young DM, Odell PL. (1986) Feature-subset selection for statistical classification problems involving unequal covariance matrices Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 15: 137-157
Young DM, Marco VR, Odell PL. (1986) Dimension reduction for predictive discrimination Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 4: 243-255
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