Matthew Gursky

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States 
Applied Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Mathematics
"Matthew Gursky"


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Sun-yung Alice Chang grad student 1991 Caltech
 (Compactness of Conformal Metrics with Integral Bounds on Curvature.)


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Raymond W. Jensen grad student 2008 Notre Dame
Sujin Khomrutai grad student 2009 Notre Dame
Yen-Chang Huang grad student 2011 Notre Dame
Yueh-Ju Lin grad student 2014 Notre Dame
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Gursky MJ, Streets J. (2019) A formal Riemannian structure on conformal classes and the inverse Gauss curvature flow Geometric Flows. 4: 30-50
Chang SA, Gursky M, Zhang S. (2019) A conformally invariant gap theorem characterizing $$\mathbb {CP}^2$$ via the Ricci flow Mathematische Zeitschrift. 294: 721-746
Gursky M, Streets J. (2018) A formal Riemannian structure on conformal classes and uniqueness for the σ2–Yamabe problem Geometry & Topology. 22: 3501-3573
Gursky M, Streets J. (2018) Variational structure of the vn2-Yamabe problem Differential Geometry and Its Applications. 56: 187-201
Gursky M, Kelleher CL, Streets J. (2018) A Conformally Invariant Gap Theorem in Yang–Mills Theory Communications in Mathematical Physics. 361: 1155-1167
Gursky MJ, Han Q. (2017) Non-existence of Poincaré–Einstein manifolds with prescribed conformal infinity Geometric and Functional Analysis. 27: 863-879
Gursky MJ, Hang F, Lin YJ. (2016) Riemannian Manifolds with Positive Yamabe Invariant and Paneitz Operator International Mathematics Research Notices. 2016: 1348-1367
Gursky MJ, Viaclovsky JA. (2016) Critical metrics on connected sums of Einstein four-manifolds Advances in Mathematics. 292: 210-315
Gursky MJ, Viaclovsky JA. (2015) Rigidity and stability of Einstein metrics for quadratic curvature functionals Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik. 2015: 37-91
Gursky M, Malchiodi A. (2012) Non-uniqueness Results for Critical Metrics of Regularized Determinants in Four Dimensions Communications in Mathematical Physics. 315: 1-37
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