James J. Brannick
Affiliations: | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Theoretical MathematicsGoogle:
"James Brannick"
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Brannick J, Cao F, Kahl K, et al. (2018) Optimal Interpolation and Compatible Relaxation in Classical Algebraic Multigrid Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 40: A1473-A1493 |
Brannick J, Liu C, Qian T, et al. (2015) Diffuse Interface Methods for Multiple Phase Materials: An Energetic Variational Approach Numerical Mathematics. 8: 220-236 |
Brandt A, Brannick JJ, Kahl K, et al. (2015) Bootstrap Algebraic Multigrid: Status Report, Open Problems, and Outlook Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications. 8: 112-135 |
Brannick J, Hu X, Rodrigo C, et al. (2015) Local Fourier Analysis of Multigrid Methods with Polynomial Smoothers and Aggressive Coarsening Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications. 8: 1-21 |
Brannick J, Frommer A, Kahl K, et al. (2015) Multigrid preconditioning for the overlap operator in lattice QCD Numerische Mathematik |
Brannick JJ, Kahl K. (2014) Bootstrap Algebraic Multigrid for the 2D Wilson Dirac system Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 36 |
Brannick J, Chen Y, Kraus J, et al. (2013) Algebraic multilevel preconditioners for the graph laplacian based on matching in graphs Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 51: 1805-1827 |
Brannick J, Cho D. (2012) An auxiliary space preconditioner for linear elasticity based on the generalized finite element method Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications. 19: 471-484 |
Brannick J, Chen Y, Zikatanov L. (2012) An algebraic multilevel method for anisotropic elliptic equations based on subgraph matching Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications. 19: 279-295 |
Bolten M, Brandt A, Brannick J, et al. (2011) A bootstrap algebraic multilevel method for markov chains Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 33: 3425-3446 |