Klaus Keil

University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 
Geology, Petrology, Planetology, Geophysics
"Klaus Keil"
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Keil K, McCoy TJ. (2018) Acapulcoite-lodranite meteorites: Ultramafic asteroidal partial melt residues Geochemistry. 78: 153-203
Barrat J, Greenwood R, Keil K, et al. (2016) The origin of aubrites: Evidence from lithophile trace element abundances and oxygen isotope compositions Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 192: 29-48
Keil K, Zucolotto ME, Krot AN, et al. (2015) The Vicência meteorite fall: A new unshocked (S1) weakly metamorphosed (3.2) LL chondrite Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 50: 1089-1111
Trigo-Rodríguez JM, Llorca J, Weyrauch M, et al. (2014) The Ardón L6 ordinary chondrite: A long-hidden Spanish meteorite fall Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49: 1475-1484
van Niekerk D, Keil K, Humayun M. (2014) Petrogenesis of anomalous Queen Alexandra Range enstatite meteorites and their relation to enstatite chondrites, primitive enstatite achondrites, and aubrites Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49: 295-312
Schmitz B, Huss GR, Meier MMM, et al. (2014) A fossil winonaite-like meteorite in Ordovician limestone: A piece of the impactor that broke up the L-chondrite parent body? Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 400: 145-152
Keil K. (2014) Brachinite meteorites: Partial melt residues from an FeO-rich asteroid Chemie Der Erde - Geochemistry. 74: 311-329
Wilson L, Keil K. (2012) Volcanic activity on differentiated asteroids: A review and analysis Chemie Der Erde - Geochemistry. 72: 289-321
Keil K. (2012) Angrites, a small but diverse suite of ancient, silica-undersaturated volcanic-plutonic mafic meteorites, and the history of their parent asteroid Chemie Der Erde - Geochemistry. 72: 191-218
Keil K, Mccoy TJ, Wilson L, et al. (2011) A composite Fe,Ni-FeS and enstatite-forsterite-diopside-glass vitrophyre clast in the Larkman Nunatak 04316 aubrite: Origin by pyroclastic volcanism Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 46: 1719-1741
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