Colin J. McAuliffe, Ph.D.

2014 Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Columbia University, New York, NY 
Materials Science Engineering
"Colin McAuliffe"


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Haim Waisman grad student 2014 Columbia
 (Numerical Modeling of Shear Bands and Dynamic Fracture in Metals.)
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Hu N, Fish J, McAuliffe C. (2017) An adaptive stochastic inverse solver for multiscale characterization of composite materials International Journal For Numerical Methods in Engineering. 109: 1679-1700
Berger-Vergiat L, McAuliffe C, Waisman H. (2016) Parallel preconditioners for monolithic solution of shear bands Journal of Computational Physics. 304: 359-379
Arriaga M, McAuliffe C, Waisman H. (2016) Instability analysis of shear bands using the instantaneous growth-rate method International Journal of Impact Engineering. 87: 156-168
Wu J, McAuliffe C, Waisman H, et al. (2016) Stochastic analysis of polymer composites rupture at large deformations modeled by a phase field method Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 312: 596-634
McAuliffe C, Waisman H. (2016) A coupled phase field shear band model for ductile-brittle transition in notched plate impacts Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 305: 173-195
McAuliffe C, Waisman H. (2015) On the importance of nonlinear elastic effects in shear band modeling International Journal of Plasticity. 71: 10-31
McAuliffe C, Waisman H. (2015) A unified model for metal failure capturing shear banding and fracture International Journal of Plasticity. 65: 131-151
Arriaga M, McAuliffe C, Waisman H. (2015) Onset of shear band localization by a local generalized eigenvalue analysis Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 289: 179-208
McAuliffe C, Karkkainen R, Yen C, et al. (2014) Numerical modeling of friction stir welded aluminum joints under high rate loading Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 89: 8-18
Berger-Vergiat L, McAuliffe C, Waisman H. (2014) Isogeometric analysis of shear bands Computational Mechanics. 54: 503-521
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