Sho Tanimoto, Ph.D.

2012 Mathematics New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics
"Sho Tanimoto"


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Yuri Tschinkel grad student 2012 NYU
 (Distribution of rational points on algebraic varieties.)
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Lehmann B, Tanimoto S. (2019) Geometric Manin’s conjecture and rational curves Compositio Mathematica. 155: 833-862
Lehmann B, Tanimoto S, Tschinkel Y. (2018) Balanced line bundles on Fano varieties Crelle's Journal. 2018: 91-131
Lehmann B, Tanimoto S. (2018) On exceptional sets in Manin’s conjecture Research in the Mathematical Sciences. 6
Lehmann B, Tanimoto S. (2017) On the geometry of thin exceptional sets in Manin’s conjecture Duke Mathematical Journal. 166: 2815-2869
Tanimoto S, Tanis J. (2015) The distribution of S-integral points on SL2-orbit closures of binary forms Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 92: 760-777
Hassett B, Tanimoto S, Tschinkel Y. (2015) Balanced Line Bundles and Equivariant Compactifications of Homogeneous Spaces International Mathematics Research Notices. 2015: 6375-6410
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