Tong Zou, Ph.D.

2004 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
"Tong Zou"


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Sankaran Mahadevan grad student 2004 Vanderbilt
 (Efficient methods for reliability-based design optimization.)
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Zou TF, Zhang YG. (2013) Methods for analyzing uncertainty of results in accident simulation Zhendong Yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock. 32
Zou T, Cai M, Shu X. (2012) Response surface methodology and improved interval analysis method--for analyzing uncertainty in accident reconstruction. Forensic Science International. 222: 306-12
Zou T, Yu Z, Cai M, et al. (2010) Application of response surface method to uncertainty analysis on accident reconstruction results Qiche Gongcheng/Automotive Engineering. 32: 116-118
Zou T, Mourelatos ZP, Mahadevan S, et al. (2008) An indicator response surface method for simulation-based reliability analysis Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the Asme. 130: 0714011-07140111
Zou T, Mahadevan S, Mourelatos ZP. (2006) Adaptive trust regions and response surfaces for reliability analysis International Journal of Materials & Product Technology. 25: 84
Zou T, Mahadevan S. (2006) Versatile formulation for multiobjective reliability-based design optimization Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the Asme. 128: 1217-1226
Zou T, Mahadevan S. (2006) A direct decoupling approach for efficient reliability-based design optimization Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 31: 190-200
Zou T, Mahadevan S. (2005) Multi-objective RBDO for automotive door quality design Sae Technical Papers
Zou T, Mourelatos ZP, Mahadevan S. (2004) Reliability analysis using Monte Carlo simulation and response surface methods Sae Technical Papers
Zou T, Mourelatos ZP, Mahadevan S. (2004) Simulation-based reliability analysis of automotive wind noise quality Sae Technical Papers
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