You Ling, Ph.D.

2013 Civil Engineering Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Civil Engineering
"You Ling"


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Sankaran Mahadevan grad student 2013 Vanderbilt
 (Uncertainty quantification in time-dependent reliability analysis.)
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Li C, Mahadevan S, Ling Y, et al. (2017) Dynamic Bayesian Network for Aircraft Wing Health Monitoring Digital Twin Aiaa Journal. 55: 930-941
Mullins J, Ling Y, Mahadevan S, et al. (2016) Separation of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty in probabilistic model validation Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 147: 49-59
Ling Y, Mullins J, Mahadevan S. (2014) Selection of model discrepancy priors in Bayesian calibration Journal of Computational Physics. 276: 665-680
Ling Y, Mahadevan S. (2013) Quantitative model validation techniques: New insights Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 111: 217-231
Ling Y, Shukla A. (2012) Role of combined thermo-mechanical loading on the nonlinear response of a skin panel Proceedings of the Asme Design Engineering Technical Conference. 1: 23-30
Ling Y, Mahadevan S. (2012) Integration of structural health monitoring and fatigue damage prognosis Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 28: 89-104
Hombal VK, Ling Y, Wolfe KA, et al. (2012) Two-stage planar approximation of non-planar crack growth Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 96: 147-164
Ling Y, Shantz C, Mahadevan S, et al. (2011) Stochastic prediction of fatigue loading using real-time monitoring data International Journal of Fatigue. 33: 868-879
Sankararaman S, Ling Y, Shantz C, et al. (2011) Inference of equivalent initial flaw size under multiple sources of uncertainty International Journal of Fatigue. 33: 75-89
Sankararaman S, Ling Y, Mahadevan S. (2011) Uncertainty quantification and model validation of fatigue crack growth prediction Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 78: 1487-1504
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