Drew D. Creal, Ph.D.

2007 University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
General Economics
"Drew Creal"


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Eric Zivot grad student 2007 University of Washington
 (Essays in sequential Monte Carlo methods for economics and finance.)
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Chernov M, Creal DD. (2018) International Yield Curves and Currency Puzzles National Bureau of Economic Research
Chernov M, Creal DD. (2018) Multihorizon Currency Returns and Purchasing Power Parity National Bureau of Economic Research
Creal DD. (2017) A Class of Non-Gaussian State Space Models With Exact Likelihood Inference Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 35: 585-597
Creal DD, Wu JC. (2016) Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Economic Fluctuations International Economic Review. 58: 1317-1354
Creal DD, Tsay RS. (2015) High dimensional dynamic stochastic copula models Journal of Econometrics. 189: 335-345
Creal DD, Wu JC. (2015) Estimation of affine term structure models with spanned or unspanned stochastic volatility Journal of Econometrics. 185: 60-81
Creal DD, Gramacy RB, Tsay RS. (2014) Market-Based Credit Ratings Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 32: 430-444
Creal DD, Schwaab B, Koopman SJ, et al. (2014) Observation Driven Mixed-Measurement Dynamic Factor Models with an Application to Credit Risk The Review of Economics and Statistics. 96: 898-915
Creal D, Koopman SJ, Lucas A. (2013) Generalized Autoregressive Score Models With Applications Journal of Applied Econometrics. 28: 777-795
Creal D. (2012) A Survey of Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Economics and Finance Econometric Reviews. 31: 245-296
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