Grigory Yaroslavtsev, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Computer Science and Engineering | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Computer Science, Theoretical MathematicsGoogle:
"Grigory Yaroslavtsev"Parents
Sign in to add mentorSofya Raskhodnikova | grad student | 2014 | Penn State | |
(Efficient combinatorial methods in sparsification, summarization and testing of large datasets.) |
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Hosseini K, Lovett S, Yaroslavtsev G. (2019) Optimality of Linear Sketching Under Modular Updates. Electronic Colloquium On Computational Complexity. 25: 17 |
Avdiukhin D, Pupyrev S, Yaroslavtsev G. (2019) Multi-dimensional balanced graph partitioning via projected gradient descent Proceedings of the Vldb Endowment. 12: 906-919 |
Kearns M, Roth A, Wu ZS, et al. (2016) Private algorithms for the protected in social network search. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Brody J, Chakrabarti A, Kondapally R, et al. (2016) Certifying Equality With Limited Interaction Algorithmica. 1-50 |
Assadi S, Khanna S, Li Y, et al. (2016) Maximum matchings in dynamic graph streams and the simultaneous communication model Proceedings of the Annual Acm-Siam Symposium On Discrete Algorithms. 2: 1345-1364 |
Chawla S, Makarychev K, Schramm T, et al. (2015) Near optimal LP rounding algorithm for correlation clustering on complete and complete k-partite graphs Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Theory of Computing. 14: 219-228 |
Brody J, Chakrabarti A, Kondapally R, et al. (2014) Beyond set disjointness: The communication complexity of finding the intersection Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Principles of Distributed Computing. 106-113 |
Berman P, Raskhodnikova S, Yaroslavtsev G. (2014) L |
Andoni A, Nikolov A, Onak K, et al. (2014) Parallel algorithms for geometric graph problems Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Theory of Computing. 574-583 |
Blais E, Raskhodnikova S, Yaroslavtsev G. (2014) Lower bounds for testing properties of functions over hypergrid domains Proceedings of the Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity. 309-320 |