David A. Easley

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Theory Economics, Finance
"David Easley"


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Pablo F. Beker grad student 2002 Cornell
Tarek Coury grad student 2004 Cornell
Marie-Louise Viero grad student 2006 Cornell
Young-Ro Yoon grad student 2006 Cornell
Scott S. Condie grad student 2007 Cornell
Liyan Yang grad student 2010 Cornell
Maximilian Mihm grad student 2011 Cornell
Russell Toth grad student 2012 Cornell
PeiLin Hsieh grad student 2013 Cornell
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Karpman K, Basu S, Easley D, et al. (2023) Learning Financial Networks with High-frequency Trade Data. Data Science in Science. 2
Easley D, Prado MLd, O'Hara M, et al. (2020) Microstructure in the Machine Age Review of Financial Studies
Easley D, O'Hara M, Basu S. (2019) From mining to markets: The evolution of bitcoin transaction fees Journal of Financial Economics. 134: 91-109
Blume LE, Cogley T, Easley DA, et al. (2018) A Case for Incomplete Markets Journal of Economic Theory. 178: 191-221
Easley D, Prado MLd, O'Hara M. (2016) Discerning Information from Trade Data Journal of Financial Economics. 120: 269-285
Easley D, O'Hara M, Yang L. (2016) Differential Access to Price Information in Financial Markets Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 51: 1071-1110
Easley D, Ghosh A. (2015) Behavioral mechanism design: optimal crowdsourcing contracts and prospect theory Sigecom Exchanges. 14: 89-94
Easley DA, Yang L. (2015) Loss Aversion, Survival and Asset Prices Journal of Economic Theory. 160: 494-516
Easley D, O'Hara M, Yang L. (2014) Opaque Trading, Disclosure and Asset Prices: Implications for Hedge Fund Regulation Review of Financial Studies. 27: 1190-1237
Easley D, Prado MMLd, O'Hara M. (2014) VPIN and the Flash Crash: A rejoinder Journal of Financial Markets. 17: 47-52
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