Andrew Luke Johnson

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Industrial Engineering, Economics, Production Economics, Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
"Andrew Johnson"


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Leon F. McGinnis grad student 2001-2006 Georgia Tech (E-Tree)
 (Methods in productivity and efficiency analysis with applications to warehousing.)


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Soondo Hong grad student 2005-2010 Texas A & M (E-Tree)
Brandon R. Pope grad student 2006-2011 Texas A & M
Maethee Mekaroonreung grad student 2007-2012 Texas A & M
Chia-Yen Lee grad student 2008-2012 Texas A & M
Jose Luis Preciado grad student 2011-2016 Texas A & M
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Yagi D, Chen Y, Johnson AL, et al. (2020) Shape-Constrained Kernel-Weighted Least Squares: Estimating Production Functions for Chilean Manufacturing Industries Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 38: 43-54
Arreola JLP, Johnson AL, Chen XC, et al. (2020) Estimating stochastic production frontiers: A one-stage multivariate semiparametric Bayesian concave regression method European Journal of Operational Research. 287: 699-711
Layer K, Johnson AL, Sickles RC, et al. (2020) Direction Selection in Stochastic Directional Distance Functions European Journal of Operational Research. 280: 351-364
Arreola JLP, Yagi D, Johnson AL. (2020) Insights from machine learning for evaluating production function estimators on manufacturing survey data Journal of Productivity Analysis. 53: 181-225
Johnson AL, Jiang DR. (2018) Shape Constraints in Economics and Operations Research Statistical Science. 33: 527-546
Koster RBMD, Johnson AL, Roy D. (2017) Warehouse design and management International Journal of Production Research. 55: 6327-6330
Kuosmanen T, Johnson AL. (2017) Modeling joint production of multiple outputs in StoNED: Directional distance function approach European Journal of Operational Research. 262: 792-801
Hwangbo H, Johnson A, Ding Y. (2017) A production economics analysis for quantifying the efficiency of wind turbines Wind Energy. 20: 1501-1513
Arreola JLP, Johnson AL. (2015) A birth-death markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate the number of states in a state-contingent production frontier model American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 97: 1267-1285
Pope B, Deshmukh A, Johnson A, et al. (2015) Modeling dependence in health behaviors Iie Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers)
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