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Paul Ehrenfest research assistant 1916 Leiden (Physics Tree)
Jan Arnoldus Schouten grad student 1922 Leiden
WiIlem van der Woude grad student 1922 Leiden
 (Grundzüge der mehrdimensionalen Differentialgeometrie in direkter Darstellung.)


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Nathaniel Coburn grad student 1934 MIT
Eric Reissner grad student 1938 MIT
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Struik DJ. (1982) Two decades of mathematics in the Netherlands 1920–1940. A retrospection on the occasion of the bicentennial of the Wiskundig Genootschap Historia Mathematica. 9: 99-100
Bartlett MS, Struik DJ. (1955) A Concise History of Mathematics. Applied Statistics. 4: 131-131
Prag A, Struik DJ. (1953) A Concise History of Mathematics The Mathematical Gazette. 37: 175
Dehn M, Struik DJ. (1949) A Concise History of Mathematics. American Mathematical Monthly. 56: 643
Struik DJ. (1936) Mathematics in the Netherlands during the First Half of the XVIth Century Isis. 25: 46-56
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