Yuri Chervonyi
Affiliations: | State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY, United States |
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"Yuri Chervonyi"
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Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2016) Generalized λ-deformations of AdS p × S p Nuclear Physics. 913: 912-941 |
Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2016) Supergravity background of the λ-deformed AdS 3 × S 3 supercoset Nuclear Physics. 910: 685-711 |
Chervonyi Y. (2015) Towards higher dimensional black rings Physical Review D. 92: 124037 |
Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2015) Killing(-Yano) tensors in string theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015: 182 |
Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2014) (Non)-integrability of geodesics in D-brane backgrounds Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014: 61 |