Roberto Longo

1975 Department of Mathematics Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Lazio, Italy 
"Roberto Longo"
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Longo R. (2022) Modular Structure of the Weyl Algebra. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 392: 145-183
Longo R. (2020) The emergence of time Expositiones Mathematicae. 38: 240-258
Longo R, Xu F. (2020) Von Neumann Entropy in QFT Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1-24
Longo R. (2020) Entropy Distribution of Localised States Communications in Mathematical Physics. 373: 473-505
Longo R. (2019) Entropy of Coherent Excitations Letters in Mathematical Physics. 109: 2587-2600
Ciolli F, Longo R, Ruzzi G. (2019) The Information in a Wave Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1-22
Giorgetti L, Longo R. (2019) Minimal Index and Dimension for 2-C*-Categories with Finite-Dimensional Centers Communications in Mathematical Physics. 370: 719-757
Longo R, Morinelli V, Preta F, et al. (2019) Split Property for Free Massless Finite Helicity Fields Annales Henri Poincaré. 20: 2555-2584
Longo R, Xu F. (2018) Comment on the Bekenstein bound Journal of Geometry and Physics. 130: 113-120
Longo R, Xu F. (2018) Relative entropy in CFT Advances in Mathematics. 337: 139-170
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