Brian L.N. Kennett

1975-1984 Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
 1984-2010 Research School of Earth Sciences Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
Structure of the Earth, Seismic wave propagation, Inverse theory, Applied Seismology
"B.L.N. Kennett" OR "Brian Kennett"


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Mary Fowler grad student 1976 Cambridge
Alistair J. Harding grad student 1984 Cambridge (GeograTree)
Malcolm Sambridge grad student 1984-1988 ANU
Stewart Fishwick grad student 2005 ANU (Physics Tree)
Erdinc Saygin grad student 2007 ANU (Physics Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Chen Y, Saygin E, Kennett B, et al. (2023) Author Correction: Next-generation seismic model of the Australian crust from synchronous and asynchronous ambient noise imaging. Nature Communications. 14: 2669
Chen Y, Saygin E, Kennett B, et al. (2023) Next-generation seismic model of the Australian crust from synchronous and asynchronous ambient noise imaging. Nature Communications. 14: 1192
Kennett B, Furumura T. (2019) Significant P wave conversions from upgoing S waves generated by very deep earthquakes around Japan Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. 6: 49
Furumura T, Kennett B. (2019) The Significance of Long‐Period Ground Motion at Regional to Teleseismic Distances From the 610‐km Deep Mw 8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Earthquake of 24 May 2013 Journal of Geophysical Research. 124: 9075-9094
Saygin E, Kennett B. (2019) Retrieval of Interstation Local Body Waves From Teleseismic Coda Correlations Journal of Geophysical Research. 124: 2957-2969
Kennett B, Sippl C. (2018) Lithospheric discontinuities in Central Australia Tectonophysics. 744: 10-22
Kennett B, Stipcevic J, Gorbatov A. (2015) Spiral‐Arm Seismic Arrays Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 105: 2109-2116
Aitken A, Banasazczyk S, Dentith M, et al. (2015) A Major Geophysical Experiment in the Capricorn Orogeny, Western Australia Exploration Geophysics. 2015: 1-5
Kennett B, Saygin E, Salmon M. (2015) Stacking autocorrelograms to map Moho depth with high spatial resolution in southeastern Australia Geophysical Research Letters. 42: 7490-7497
Kennett B, Furumura T. (2015) Toward the reconciliation of seismological and petrological perspectives on oceanic lithosphere heterogeneity Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 16: 3129-3141
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