Moses A. Greenfield, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Biomedical Physics | University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA |
"Moses Greenfield"Bio:
Born in Brooklyn on March 8, 1915 to his parents Goldie and Benjamin Greenfield who spoke little English, Professor Greenfield belonged to that remarkable generation of children of immigrants who attended City College of New York in the 1930s and subsequently contributed so much to American science and culture.
Professor Greenfield earned a PhD in astrophysics from New York University in 1941, although he did his PhD research about Red Giants under advisors George Gamow and Edward Teller at George Washington University. He worked as a civilian research physicist for the U.S. Navy in Washington during World War II, where he helped diagnose and correct defects in early Liberty ship designs. After participating in tests of atomic bomb explosions at Bikini Atoll in July 1946, Greenfield left the Navy Department in Washington and joined North American Aviation. There he did research on nuclear power for instruments in space vehicles.
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Sign in to add mentorGeorge Gamow | grad student | 1941 | (Physics Tree) |
Edward Teller | grad student | 1941 | New York University (NYU) (Physics Tree) |