Robert W. Howarth - Publications

Ecology and Environmental Biology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry

138 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Wong MY, Mahowald NM, Marino R, Williams ER, Chellam S, Howarth RW. Natural atmospheric deposition of molybdenum: a global model and implications for tropical forests Biogeochemistry. 149: 159-174. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-020-00671-W  0.386
2019 Swaney DP, Howarth RW. County, subregional and regional phosphorus data derived from the net anthropogenic nitrogen/phosphorus inputs (NANI/NAPI) toolbox. Data in Brief. 25: 104265. PMID 31453283 DOI: 10.1016/J.Dib.2019.104265  0.321
2019 Svanbäck A, McCrackin ML, Swaney DP, Linefur H, Gustafsson BG, Howarth RW, Humborg C. Reducing agricultural nutrient surpluses in a large catchment - Links to livestock density. The Science of the Total Environment. 648: 1549-1559. PMID 30340300 DOI: 10.1016/J.Scitotenv.2018.08.194  0.367
2018 Swaney DP, Howarth RW, Hong B. County, subregional and regional nitrogen data derived from the Net Anthropogenic Nitrogen Inputs (NANI) toolbox. Data in Brief. 18: 1877-1888. PMID 29904691 DOI: 10.1016/J.Dib.2018.04.098  0.343
2018 Harada Y, Whitlow TH, Templer PH, Howarth RW, Walter MT, Bassuk NL, Russell-Anelli J. Nitrogen Biogeochemistry of an Urban Rooftop Farm Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 6. DOI: 10.3389/Fevo.2018.00153  0.36
2018 McCrackin ML, Gustafsson BG, Hong B, Howarth RW, Humborg C, Savchuk OP, Svanbäck A, Swaney DP. Correction to: Opportunities to reduce nutrient inputs to the Baltic Sea by improving manure use efficiency in agriculture Regional Environmental Change. 18: 1855-1856. DOI: 10.1007/S10113-018-1340-8  0.315
2017 Zhang W, Swaney DP, Hong B, Howarth RW, Li X. Influence of rapid rural-urban population migration on riverine nitrogen pollution: perspective from ammonia-nitrogen. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. PMID 28965271 DOI: 10.1007/S11356-017-0322-6  0.4
2017 Zhang W, Swaney DP, Hong B, Howarth RW. Anthropogenic Phosphorus Inputs to a River Basin and Their Impacts on Phosphorus Fluxes Along Its Upstream-Downstream Continuum Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122: 3273-3287. DOI: 10.1002/2017Jg004004  0.4
2016 Gao W, Hong B, Swaney DP, Howarth RW, Guo H. A system dynamics model for managing regional N inputs from human activities Ecological Modelling. 322: 82-91. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecolmodel.2015.12.001  0.448
2016 Goyette J, Bennett EM, Howarth RW, Maranger R. Changes in anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to the St. Lawrence sub-basin over 110 years and impacts on riverine export Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 30: 1000-1014. DOI: 10.1002/2016Gb005384  0.49
2015 Gao W, Swaney DP, Hong B, Howarth RW, Liu Y, Guo H. Evaluating anthropogenic N inputs to diverse lake basins: A case study of three Chinese lakes. Ambio. PMID 25698057 DOI: 10.1007/S13280-015-0638-8  0.48
2015 Gao W, Howarth RW, Swaney DP, Hong B, Guo HC. Enhanced N input to Lake Dianchi Basin from 1980 to 2010: drivers and consequences. The Science of the Total Environment. 505: 376-84. PMID 25461039 DOI: 10.1016/J.Scitotenv.2014.10.016  0.405
2015 Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Li XY, Hong B, Howarth RW, Ding SH. Anthropogenic point and non-point nitrogen inputs into Huai River Basin and their impacts on riverine ammonia-nitrogen flux Biogeosciences Discussions. 12: 3577-3615. DOI: 10.5194/Bgd-12-3577-2015  0.482
2015 Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Li XY, Hong B, Howarth RW, Ding SH. Anthropogenic point-source and non-point-source nitrogen inputs into Huai River basin and their impacts on riverine ammonia-nitrogen flux Biogeosciences. 12: 4275-4289. DOI: 10.5194/Bg-12-4275-2015  0.474
2015 Reynolds LK, Marino R, Muth MF, McLenaghan N, Hayn M, Tyler AC, McGlathery KJ, Howarth RW. Evidence of grazer control on nitrogen fixation by eelgrass epiphytes in a temperate coastal bay Marine Ecology Progress Series. 526: 11-19. DOI: 10.3354/Meps11234  0.702
2015 Costello C, Xue X, Howarth RW. Comparison of production-phase environmental impact metrics derived at the farm- and national-scale for United States agricultural commodities Environmental Research Letters. 10. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/11/114004  0.359
2015 Swaney DP, Hong B, Paneer Selvam A, Howarth RW, Ramesh R, Purvaja R. Net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs and nitrogen fluxes from Indian watersheds: An initial assessment Journal of Marine Systems. 141: 45-58. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jmarsys.2014.09.004  0.453
2015 Zhang W, Swaney DP, Hong B, Howarth RW, Han H, Li X. Net anthropogenic phosphorus inputs and riverine phosphorus fluxes in highly populated headwater watersheds in China Biogeochemistry. 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-015-0145-9  0.366
2015 Butler T, Marino R, Schwede D, Howarth R, Sparks J, Sparks K. Atmospheric ammonia measurements at low concentration sites in the northeastern USA: implications for total nitrogen deposition and comparison with CMAQ estimates Biogeochemistry. 122: 191-210. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-014-0036-5  0.4
2014 Gao W, Howarth RW, Hong B, Swaney DP, Guo HC. Estimating net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs (NANI) in the Lake Dianchi basin of China Biogeosciences. 11: 4577-4586. DOI: 10.5194/Bg-11-4577-2014  0.485
2014 del Barrio P, Ganju NK, Aretxabaleta AL, Hayn M, García A, Howarth RW. Modeling future scenarios of light attenuation and potential seagrass success in a eutrophic estuary Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 149: 13-23. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecss.2014.07.005  0.33
2014 Hayn M, Howarth R, Marino R, Ganju N, Berg P, Foreman KH, Giblin AE, McGlathery K. Exchange of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Between a Shallow Lagoon and Coastal Waters Estuaries and Coasts. 37: 63-73. DOI: 10.1007/S12237-013-9699-8  0.664
2014 Howarth RW, Hayn M, Marino RM, Ganju N, Foreman K, McGlathery K, Giblin AE, Berg P, Walker JD. Metabolism of a nitrogen-enriched coastal marine lagoon during the summertime Biogeochemistry. 118: 1-20. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-013-9901-X  0.685
2013 Hong B, Swaney DP, Howarth RW. Estimating net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to U.S. watersheds: comparison of methodologies. Environmental Science & Technology. 47: 5199-207. PMID 23631661 DOI: 10.1021/Es303437C  0.431
2013 Berg P, Long MH, Huettel M, Rheuban JE, McGlathery KJ, Howarth RW, Foreman KH, Giblin AE, Marino R. Eddy correlation measurements of oxygen fluxes in permeable sediments exposed to varying current flow and light Limnology and Oceanography. 58: 1329-1343. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.2013.58.4.1329  0.625
2013 Bettez ND, Marino R, Howarth RW, Davidson EA. Roads as nitrogen deposition hot spots Biogeochemistry. 114: 149-163. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-013-9847-Z  0.712
2013 Gettel GM, Giblin AE, Howarth RW. Controls of Benthic Nitrogen Fixation and Primary Production from Nutrient Enrichment of Oligotrophic, Arctic Lakes Ecosystems. 16: 1550-1564. DOI: 10.1007/S10021-013-9701-0  0.784
2012 Howarth R, Swaney D, Billen G, Garnier J, Hong B, Humborg C, Johnes P, Mörth CM, Marino R. Nitrogen fluxes from the landscape are controlled by net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs and by climate Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10: 37-43. DOI: 10.1890/100178  0.508
2012 Hong B, Swaney DP, Mörth CM, Smedberg E, Eriksson Hägg H, Humborg C, Howarth RW, Bouraoui F. Evaluating regional variation of net anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs (NANI/NAPI), major drivers, nutrient retention pattern and management implications in the multinational areas of Baltic Sea basin Ecological Modelling. 227: 117-135. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecolmodel.2011.12.002  0.45
2012 Swaney DP, Hong B, Ti C, Howarth RW, Humborg C. Net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to watersheds and riverine N export to coastal waters: A brief overview Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 4: 203-211. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cosust.2012.03.004  0.498
2012 Ganju NK, Hayn M, Chen SN, Howarth RW, Dickhudt PJ, Aretxabaleta AL, Marino R. Tidal and Groundwater Fluxes to a Shallow, Microtidal Estuary: Constraining Inputs Through Field Observations and Hydrodynamic Modeling Estuaries and Coasts. 35: 1285-1298. DOI: 10.1007/S12237-012-9515-X  0.363
2012 Swaney DP, Santoro RL, Howarth RW, Hong B, Donaghy KP. Historical changes in the food and water supply systems of the New York city metropolitan area Regional Environmental Change. 12: 363-380. DOI: 10.1007/S10113-011-0266-1  0.343
2011 McLenaghan NA, Christina Tyler A, Mahl UH, Howarth RW, Marino RM. Benthic macroinvertebrate functional diversity regulates nutrient and algal dynamics in a shallow estuary Marine Ecology Progress Series. 426: 171-184. DOI: 10.3354/Meps09029  0.438
2011 Howarth R, Chan F, Conley DJ, Garnier J, Doney SC, Marino R, Billen G. Coupled biogeochemical cycles: Eutrophication and hypoxia in temperate estuaries and coastal marine ecosystems Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9: 18-26. DOI: 10.1890/100008  0.622
2011 Gu B, Zhu Y, Chang J, Peng C, Liu D, Min Y, Luo W, Howarth RW, Ge Y. The role of technology and policy in mitigating regional nitrogen pollution Environmental Research Letters. 6. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/1/014011  0.452
2011 Hong B, Swaney DP, Howarth RW. A toolbox for calculating net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs (NANI) Environmental Modelling and Software. 26: 623-633. DOI: 10.1016/J.Envsoft.2010.11.012  0.401
2010 Johnson PT, Townsend AR, Cleveland CC, Glibert PM, Howarth RW, McKenzie VJ, Rejmankova E, Ward MH. Linking environmental nutrient enrichment and disease emergence in humans and wildlife. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 20: 16-29. PMID 20349828 DOI: 10.1890/08-0633.1  0.335
2010 Daily GC, Howarth R, Vaccari D, Morris AC, Lambin EF, Doney SC, Gleick PH, Fahey DW. Solutions to environmental threats. Scientific American. 302: 58-60. PMID 20349575 DOI: 10.1038/Scientificamerican0410-58  0.31
2010 Townsend AR, Howarth RW. Fixing the global nitrogen problem. Scientific American. 302: 64-71. PMID 20128225 DOI: 10.1038/Scientificamerican0210-64  0.354
2010 Najjar RG, Pyke CR, Adams MB, Breitburg D, Hershner C, Kemp M, Howarth R, Mulholland MR, Paolisso M, Secor D, Sellner K, Wardrop D, Wood R. Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 86: 1-20. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecss.2009.09.026  0.341
2010 Davidson EA, Savage KE, Bettez ND, Marino R, Howarth RW. Nitrogen in runoff from residential roads in a coastal area Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 210: 3-13. DOI: 10.1007/S11270-009-0218-2  0.731
2009 Conley DJ, Paerl HW, Howarth RW, Boesch DF, Seitzinger SP, Havens KE, Lancelot C, Likens GE. Ecology. Controlling eutrophication: nitrogen and phosphorus. Science (New York, N.Y.). 323: 1014-5. PMID 19229022 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1167755  0.44
2009 Conley DJ, Paerl HW, Howarth RW, Boesch DF, Seitzinger SP, Havens KE, Lancelot C, Likens GE. We are gratified that our policy forum Science. 324: 724-725. DOI: 10.1126/Science.324_724  0.36
2009 Boesch DF, Boynton WR, Crowder LB, Diaz RJ, Howarth RW, Mee LD, Nixon SW, Rabalais NN, Rosenberg R, Sanders JG, Scavia D, Turner RE. Nutrient enrichment drives Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Eos. 90: 117-118. DOI: 10.1029/2009Eo140001  0.368
2008 Howarth R, Paerl HW. Coastal marine eutrophication: Control of both nitrogen and phosphorus is necessary. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: E103; author reply E. PMID 19057018 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0807266106  0.459
2008 Glibert PM, Azanza R, Burford M, Furuya K, Abal E, Al-Azri A, Al-Yamani F, Andersen P, Anderson DM, Beardall J, Berg GM, Brand L, Bronk D, Brookes J, Burkholder JM, ... ... Howarth R, et al. Ocean urea fertilization for carbon credits poses high ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 56: 1049-56. PMID 18439628 DOI: 10.1016/J.Marpolbul.2008.03.010  0.421
2008 Simpson TW, Sharpley AN, Howarth RW, Paerl HW, Mankin KR. The new gold rush: fueling ethanol production while protecting water quality. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37: 318-24. PMID 18268293 DOI: 10.2134/Jeq2007.0599  0.319
2008 Woodbury PB, Howarth RW, Steinhart G. Understanding Nutrient Cycling and Sediment Sources in the Upper Susquehanna River Basin Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. 138: 7-14. DOI: 10.1111/J.1936-704X.2008.00003.X  0.437
2008 Howarth RW. Coastal nitrogen pollution: A review of sources and trends globally and regionally Harmful Algae. 8: 14-20. DOI: 10.1016/J.Hal.2008.08.015  0.46
2008 Swaney DP, Scavia D, Howarth RW, Marino RM. Estuarine classification and response to nitrogen loading: Insights from simple ecological models Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 77: 253-263. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecss.2007.09.013  0.347
2008 Boyer EW, Howarth RW. Nitrogen Fluxes from Rivers to the Coastal Oceans Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. 1565-1587. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-372522-6.00036-0  0.329
2007 Davidson EA, Howarth RW. Environmental science: nutrients in synergy. Nature. 449: 1000-1. PMID 17960233 DOI: 10.1038/4491000A  0.328
2007 Gettel GM, Giblin AE, Howarth RW. The effects of grazing by the snail, Lymnaea elodes, on benthic N 2 fixation and primary production in oligotrophic, arctic lakes Limnology and Oceanography. 52: 2398-2409. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.2007.52.6.2398  0.768
2007 Hambright KD, Hairston NG, Schaffner WR, Howarth RW. Grazer control of nitrogen fixation: Phytoplankton taxonomic composition and ecosystem functioning Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 170: 103-124. DOI: 10.1127/1863-9135/2007/0170-0103  0.425
2007 Hambright KD, Hairston NG, Schaffner WR, Howarth RW. Grazer control of nitrogen fixation: Synergisms in the feeding ecology of two freshwater crustaceans Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 170: 89-101. DOI: 10.1127/1863-9135/2007/0170-0089  0.453
2007 Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Alexander RB, McIsaac G, Howarth RW. Characterization of nutrient, organic carbon, and sediment loads and concentrations from the Mississippi River into the northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries and Coasts. 30: 773-790. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02841333  0.454
2006 Howarth RW, Marino R. Nitrogen as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: Evolving views over three decades Limnology and Oceanography. 51: 364-376. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.2006.51.1_Part_2.0364  0.49
2006 Smith VH, Joye SB, Howarth RW. Eutrophication of freshwater and marine ecosystems Limnology and Oceanography. 51: 351-355. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.2006.51.1_Part_2.0351  0.428
2006 Roberts BJ, Howarth RW. Nutrient and light availability regulate the relative contribution of autotrophs and heterotrophs to respiration in freshwater pelagic ecosystems Limnology and Oceanography. 51: 288-298. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.2006.51.1.0288  0.377
2006 Chan F, Marino RL, Howarth RW, Pace ML. Ecological constraints on planktonic nitrogen fixation in saline estuaries. II. Grazing controls on cyanobacterial population dynamics Marine Ecology Progress Series. 309: 41-53. DOI: 10.3354/Meps309041  0.593
2006 Marino R, Chan F, Howarth RW, Pace ML, Likens GE. Ecological constraints on planktonic nitrogen fixation in saline estuaries. I. Nutrient and trophic controls Marine Ecology Progress Series. 309: 25-39. DOI: 10.3354/Meps309025  0.6
2006 Boyer EW, Howarth RW, Galloway JN, Dentener FJ, Green PA, Vörösmarty CJ. Riverine nitrogen export from the continents to the coasts Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 20. DOI: 10.1029/2005Gb002537  0.498
2006 Howarth RW, Swaney DP, Boyer EW, Marino R, Jaworski N, Goodale C. The influence of climate on average nitrogen export from large watersheds in the Northeastern United States Biogeochemistry. 79: 163-186. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-006-9010-1  0.463
2006 Filoso S, Martinelli LA, Howarth RW, Boyer EW, Dentener F. Human activities changing the nitrogen cycle in Brazil Biogeochemistry. 79: 61-89. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-006-9003-0  0.473
2006 Martinelli LA, Howarth RW, Cuevas E, Filoso S, Austin AT, Donoso L, Huszar V, Keeney D, Lara LL, Llerena C, McIssac G, Medina E, Ortiz-Zayas J, Scavia D, Schindler DW, et al. Sources of reactive nitrogen affecting ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Current trends and future perspectives Biogeochemistry. 79: 3-24. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-006-9000-3  0.41
2006 Chapin FS, Woodwell GM, Randerson JT, Rastetter EB, Lovett GM, Baldocchi DD, Clark DA, Harmon ME, Schimel DS, Valentini R, Wirth C, Aber JD, Cole JJ, Goulden ML, Harden JW, ... ... Howarth RW, et al. Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methods Ecosystems. 9: 1041-1050. DOI: 10.1007/S10021-005-0105-7  0.341
2006 Howarth RW, Marino R. Nitrogen as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: Evolving views over three decades Limnology and Oceanography. 51: 364-376.  0.355
2005 Howarth RW. The development of policy approaches for reducing nitrogen pollution to coastal waters of the USA. Science in China. Series C, Life Sciences / Chinese Academy of Sciences. 48: 791-806. PMID 20549435 DOI: 10.1007/Bf03187119  0.416
2005 Howarth RW. The development of policy approaches for reducing nitrogen pollution to coastal waters of the USA. Science in China. Series C, Life Sciences / Chinese Academy of Sciences. 48: 791-806. PMID 16512202  0.304
2004 Howarth RW. Human acceleration of the nitrogen cycle: drivers, consequences, and steps toward solutions. Water Science and Technology : a Journal of the International Association On Water Pollution Research. 49: 7-13. PMID 15137401 DOI: 10.2166/Wst.2004.0731  0.424
2004 Chan F, Pace ML, Howarth RW, Marino RM. Bloom formation in heterocystic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria: The dependence on colony size and zooplankton grazing Limnology and Oceanography. 49: 2171-2178. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.2004.49.6.2171  0.558
2004 Galloway JN, Dentener FJ, Capone DG, Boyer EW, Howarth RW, Seitzinger SP, Asner GP, Cleveland CC, Green PA, Holland EA, Karl DM, Michaels AF, Porter JH, Townsend AR, Vörösmarty CJ. Nitrogen cycles: Past, present, and future Biogeochemistry. 70: 153-226. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-004-0370-0  0.461
2003 Townsend AR, Howarth RW, Bazzaz FA, Booth MS, Cleveland CC, Collinge SK, Dobson AP, Epstein PR, Holland EA, Keeney DR, Mallin MA, Rogers CA, Wayne P, Wolfe AH. Human health effects of a changing global nitrogen cycle Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 1: 240-246. DOI: 10.1890/1540-9295(2003)001[0240:Hheoac]2.0.Co;2  0.341
2003 Galloway JN, Aber JD, Erisman JW, Seitzinger SP, Howarth RW, Cowling EB, Cosby BJ. The nitrogen cascade Bioscience. 53: 341-356. DOI: 10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053[0341:Tnc]2.0.Co;2  0.397
2003 Marino R, Howarth RW, Chan F, Cole JJ, Likens GE. Sulfate inhibition of molybdenum-dependent nitrogen fixation by planktonic cyanobacteria under seawater conditions: A non-reversible effect Hydrobiologia. 500: 277-293. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1084-9_20  0.561
2002 Weber CF, Barron S, Marino R, Howarth RW, Tomasky G, Davidson EA. Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth in Vineyard Sound and Oyster Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts. The Biological Bulletin. 203: 261-3. PMID 12414612 DOI: 10.2307/1543431  0.485
2002 Barron S, Weber C, Marino R, Davidson E, Tomasky G, Howarth R. Effects of varying salinity on phytoplankton growth in a low-salinity coastal pond under two nutrient conditions. The Biological Bulletin. 203: 260-1. PMID 12414611 DOI: 10.2307/1543430  0.328
2002 Howarth RW, Boyer EW, Pabich WJ, Galloway JN. Nitrogen use in the United States from 1961-2000 and potential future trends. Ambio. 31: 88-96. PMID 12078014 DOI: 10.1579/0044-7447-31.2.88  0.462
2002 Vitousek PM, Cassman K, Cleveland C, Crews T, Field CB, Grimm NB, Howarth RW, Marino R, Martinelli L, Rastetter EB, Sprent JI. Towards an ecological understanding of biological nitrogen fixation Biogeochemistry. 57: 1-45. DOI: 10.1023/A:1015798428743  0.447
2002 Van Breemen N, Boyer EW, Goodale CL, Jaworski NA, Paustian K, Seitzinger SP, Lajtha K, Mayer B, Van Dam D, Howarth RW, Nadelhoffer KJ, Eve M, Billen G. Where did all the nitrogen go? Fate of nitrogen inputs to large watersheds in the northeastern U.S.A Biogeochemistry. 57: 267-293. DOI: 10.1023/A:1015775225913  0.477
2002 Seitzinger SP, Styles RV, Boyer EW, Alexander RB, Billen G, Howarth RW, Mayer B, Van Breemen N. Nitrogen retention in rivers: Model development and application to watersheds in the northeastern U.S.A Biogeochemistry. 57: 199-237. DOI: 10.1023/A:1015745629794  0.433
2002 Mayer B, Boyer EW, Goodale C, Jaworski NA, Van Breemen N, Howarth RW, Seitzinger S, Billen G, Lajtha K, Nadelhoffer K, Van Dam D, Hetling LJ, Nosal M, Paustian K. Sources of nitrate in rivers draining sixteen watersheds in the northeastern U.S.: Isotopic constraints Biogeochemistry. 57: 171-197. DOI: 10.1023/A:1015744002496  0.45
2002 Marino R, Chan F, Howarth RW, Pace M, Likens GE. Ecological and biogeochemical interactions constrain planktonic nitrogen fixation in estuaries Ecosystems. 5: 719-725. DOI: 10.1007/S10021-002-0176-7  0.596
2002 Howarth RW, Sharpley A, Walker D. Sources of nutrient pollution to coastal waters in the United States: Implications for achieving coastal water quality goals Estuaries. 25: 656-676. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02804898  0.517
2002 Scavia D, Field JC, Boesch DF, Buddemeier RW, Burkett V, Cayan DR, Fogarty M, Harwell MA, Howarth RW, Mason C, Reed DJ, Royer TC, Sallenger AH, Titus JG. Climate change impacts on U.S. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Estuaries. 25: 149-164. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02691304  0.373
2002 Boyer EW, Goodale CL, Jaworski NA, Howarth RW. Anthropogenic nitrogen sources and relationships to riverine nitrogen export in the northeastern U.S.A Biogeochemistry. 57: 137-169. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-3405-9_4  0.484
2001 Cowling E, Galloway J, Furiness C, Barber M, Bresser T, Cassman K, Erisman JW, Haeuber R, Howarth R, Melillo J, Moomaw W, Mosier A, Sanders K, Seitzinger S, Smeulders S, et al. Optimizing nitrogen management in food and energy production and environmental protection: summary statement from the Second International Nitrogen Conference. Thescientificworldjournal. 1: 1-9. PMID 12805732 DOI: 10.1100/Tsw.2001.481  0.34
2001 Tilman D, Fargione J, Wolff B, D'Antonio C, Dobson A, Howarth R, Schindler D, Schlesinger WH, Simberloff D, Swackhamer D. Forecasting agriculturally driven global environmental change. Science (New York, N.Y.). 292: 281-4. PMID 11303102 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1057544  0.351
2000 Howarth RW, Swaney DP, Butler TJ, Marino R. Climatic control on eutrophication of the Hudson River estuary Ecosystems. 3: 210-215. DOI: 10.1007/S100210000020  0.424
1999 Swaney DP, Howarth RW, Butler TJ. A novel approach for estimating ecosystem production and respiration in estuaries: Application to the oligohaline and mesohaline Hudson River Limnology and Oceanography. 44: 1509-1521. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1999.44.6.1509  0.363
1999 Cleveland CC, Townsend AR, Schimel DS, Fisher H, Howarth RW, Hedin LO, Perakis SS, Latty EF, Von Fischer JC, Elseroad A, Wasson MF. Global patterns of terrestrial biological nitrogen (N2) fixation in natural ecosystems Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 13: 623-645. DOI: 10.1029/1999Gb900014  0.429
1999 Corredor JE, Howarth RW, Twilley RR, Morell JM. Nitrogen cycling and anthropogenic impact in the tropical interamerican seas Biogeochemistry. 46: 163-178. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-4645-6_8  0.485
1999 Downing JA, McClain M, Twilley R, Melack JM, Elser J, Rabalais NN, Lewis WM, Turner RE, Corredor J, Soto D, Yanez-Arancibia A, Kopaska JA, Howarth RW. The impact of accelerating land-use change on the N-Cycle of tropical aquatic ecosystems: Current conditions and projected changes Biogeochemistry. 46: 109-148. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-4645-6_6  0.462
1999 Howarth RW, Chan F, Marino R. Do top-down and bottom-up controls interact to exclude nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria from the plankton of estuaries? An exploration with a simulation model Biogeochemistry. 46: 203-231. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-4645-6_10  0.595
1999 Howarth RW, Chan F, Marino R. Do top-down and bottom-up controls interact to exclude nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria from the plankton of estuaries? An exploration with a simulation model Biogeochemistry. 46: 203-231.  0.547
1998 Sherman RE, Fahey TJ, Howarth RW. Soil-plant interactions in a neotropical mangrove forest: iron, phosphorus and sulfur dynamics. Oecologia. 115: 553-563. PMID 28308276 DOI: 10.1007/S004420050553  0.335
1998 Jensen HS, McGlathery KJ, Marino R, Howarth RW. Forms and availability of sediment phosphorus in carbonate sand of Bermuda seagrass beds Limnology and Oceanography. 43: 799-410. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1998.43.5.0799  0.633
1998 Carpenter SR, Caraco NF, Correll DL, Howarth RW, Sharpley AN, Smith VH. Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen Ecological Applications. 8: 559-568. DOI: 10.1890/1051-0761(1998)008[0559:Nposww]2.0.Co;2  0.501
1998 Howarth RW. An assessment of human influences on fluxes of nitrogen from the terrestrial landscape to the estuaries and continental shelves of the North Atlantic Ocean Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 52: 213-223. DOI: 10.1023/A:1009784210657  0.485
1997 Vitousek PM, Aber JD, Howarth RW, Likens GE, Matson PA, Schindler DW, Schlesinger WH, Tilman DG. Technical Report: Human Alteration of the Global Nitrogen Cycle: Sources and Consequences Ecological Applications. 7: 737. DOI: 10.2307/2269431  0.475
1997 Vitousek PM, Aber JD, Howarth RW, Likens GE, Matson PA, Schindler DW, Schlesinger WH, Tilman DG. Human alteration of the global nitrogen cycle: Sources and consequences Ecological Applications. 7: 737-750. DOI: 10.1890/1051-0761(1997)007[0737:Haotgn]2.0.Co;2  0.473
1997 Jaworski NA, Howarth RW, Hetling LJ. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen oxides onto the landscape contributes to coastal eutrophication in the Northeast United States Environmental Science and Technology. 31: 1995-2004. DOI: 10.1021/Es960803F  0.376
1997 Moore MV, Pace ML, Mather JR, Murdoch PS, Howarth RW, Folt CL, Chen CY, Hemond HF, Flebbe PA, Driscoll CT. Potential effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems of the New England/Mid Atlantic region Hydrological Processes. 11: 925-947. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1085(19970630)11:8<925::Aid-Hyp512>3.0.Co;2-X  0.353
1996 Howarth RW, Schneider R, Swaney D. Metabolism and organic carbon fluxes in the tidal freshwater Hudson River Estuaries. 19: 848-865. DOI: 10.2307/1352302  0.467
1996 Swaney DP, Sherman D, Howarth RW. Modeling water, sediment and organic carbon discharges in the Hudson-Mohawk basin: Coupling to terrestrial sources Estuaries. 19: 833-847. DOI: 10.2307/1352301  0.404
1996 Howarth RW, Billen G, Swaney D, Townsend A, Jaworski N, Lajtha K, Downing JA, Elmgren R, Caraco N, Jordan T, Berendse F, Freney J, Kudeyarov V, Murdoch P, Zhu ZL. Regional nitrogen budgets and riverine N & P fluxes for the drainages to the North Atlantic Ocean: Natural and human influences Biogeochemistry. 35: 75-139. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-1776-7_3  0.473
1996 Galloway JN, Howarth RW, Michaels AF, Nixon SW, Prospero JM, Dentener FJ. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets of the North Atlantic Ocean and its watershed Biogeochemistry. 35: 3-25. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-1776-7_1  0.5
1994 McGlathery KJ, Marino R, Howarth RW. Variable rates of phosphate uptake by shallow marine carbonate sediments: Mechanisms and ecological significance Biogeochemistry. 25: 127-146. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00000882  0.627
1993 Marino R, Howarth RW. Atmospheric oxygen exchange in the Hudson River: Dome measurements and comparison with other natural waters Estuaries. 16: 433-445. DOI: 10.2307/1352591  0.338
1992 McGlathery KJ, Howarth RW, Marino R. Nutrient limitation of the macroalga, Penicillus capitatus, associated with subtropical seagrass meadows in Bermuda Estuaries. 15: 18-25. DOI: 10.2307/1352706  0.701
1992 Howarth RW, Marino R, Garritt R, Sherman D. Ecosystem respiration and organic carbon processing in a large, tidally influenced river: the Hudson River Biogeochemistry. 16: 83-102. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00002826  0.369
1991 Howarth RW, Fruci JR, Sherman D. Inputs of Sediment and Carbon to an Estuarine Ecosystem: Influence of Land Use. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 1: 27-39. PMID 27755681 DOI: 10.2307/1941845  0.432
1991 Vitousek PM, Howarth RW. Nitrogen limitation on land and in the sea: How can it occur? Biogeochemistry. 13: 87-115. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00002772  0.436
1991 Howarth RW, Fruci JR, Sherman D. Inputs of sediment and carbon to an estuarine ecosystem: influence of land use Ecological Applications. 1: 27-39.  0.305
1990 Howarth RW, Roxanne M. Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the plankton of lakes and estuaries: A reply to the comment by Smith Limnology and Oceanography. 35: 1859-1863. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1990.35.8.1859  0.467
1990 Giblin AE, Likens GE, White D, Howarth RW. Sulfur storage and alkalinity generation in New England lake sediments Limnology and Oceanography. 35: 852-869. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1990.35.4.0852  0.406
1990 Marino R, Howarth RW, Shamess J, Prepas E. Molybdenum and sulfate as controls on the abundance of nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria in saline lakes in Alberta Limnology and Oceanography. 35: 245-259. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1990.35.2.0245  0.503
1990 Marino R, Howarth RW, Shamess J, Prepas E. Molybdenum and sulfate as controls on the abundance of nitrogen- fixing cyanobacteria in saline lakes in Alberta Limnology &Amp; Oceanography. 35: 245-259.  0.392
1988 Howarth RW, Marino R, Cole JJ. Nitrogen fixation in freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems. 2. Biogeochemical controls1 Limnology and Oceanography. 33: 688-701. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1988.33.4Part2.0688  0.49
1988 Howarth RW, Marino R, Lane J, Cole JJ. Nitrogen fixation in freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems. 1. Rates and importance1 Limnology and Oceanography. 33: 669-687. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1988.33.4Part2.0669  0.484
1988 Howarth RW. Nutrient limitation of net primary production in marine ecosystems Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. Vol. 19. 89-110. DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Es.19.110188.000513  0.47
1988 Novelli PC, Michelson AR, Scranton MI, Banta GT, Hobbie JE, Howarth RW. Hydrogen and acetate cycling in two sulfate-reducing sediments: Buzzards Bay and Town Cove, Mass Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 52: 2477-2486. DOI: 10.1016/0016-7037(88)90306-7  0.378
1988 Howarth RW, Marino R, Cole JJ. Nitrogen fixation in freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems. 2. Biogeochemical controls Limnology &Amp; Oceanography. 33: 688-701.  0.42
1988 Howarth RW, Marino R, Lane J, Cole JJ. Nitrogen fixation in freshwater, estuarine and marine ecosystems. 1. Rates and importance Limnology &Amp; Oceanography. 33: 669-687.  0.379
1987 Peterson BJ, Howarth RW. Sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen isotopes used to trace organic matter flow in the salt-marsh estuaries of Sapelo Island, Georgia Limnology &Amp; Oceanography. 32: 1195-1213. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1987.32.6.1195  0.379
1986 Peterson BJ, Howarth RW, Garritt RH. Sulfur and carbon isotopes as tracers of salt-marsh organic matter flow Ecology. 67: 865-874. DOI: 10.2307/1939809  0.343
1986 Cole JJ, Howarth RW, Nolan SS, Marino R. Sulfate inhibition of molybdate assimilation by planktonic algae and bacteria: some implications for the aquatic nitrogen cycle Biogeochemistry. 2: 179-196. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02180194  0.422
1985 Peterson BJ, Howarth RW, Garritt RH. Multiple stable isotopes used to trace the flow of organic matter in estuarine food webs. Science (New York, N.Y.). 227: 1361-3. PMID 17793771 DOI: 10.1126/Science.227.4692.1361  0.349
1985 Howarth RW, Cole JJ. Molybdenum availability, nitrogen limitation, and phytoplankton growth in natural waters. Science (New York, N.Y.). 229: 653-5. PMID 17739378 DOI: 10.1126/Science.229.4714.653  0.442
1984 Howarth RW, Merkel S. Pyrite formation and the measurement of sulfate reduction in salt marsh sediments Limnology &Amp; Oceanography. 29: 598-608. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1984.29.3.0598  0.335
1984 Howarth RW, Jørgensen BB. Formation of 35S-labelled elemental sulfur and pyrite in coastal marine sediments (Limfjorden and Kysing Fjord, Denmark) during short-term 35SO42- reduction measurements Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 48: 1807-1818. DOI: 10.1016/0016-7037(84)90034-6  0.307
1984 Howarth RW. The ecological significance of sulfur in the energy dynamics of salt marsh and coastal marine sediments Biogeochemistry. 1: 5-27. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02181118  0.401
1982 Luther GW, Giblin A, Howarth RW, Ryans RA. Pyrite and oxidized iron mineral phases formed from pyrite oxidation in salt marsh and estuarine sediments Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 46: 2665-2669. DOI: 10.1016/0016-7037(82)90385-4  0.312
1981 Howes BL, Howarth RW, Teal JM, Valiela I. Oxidation-reduction potentials in a salt marsh: Spatial patterns and interactions with primary production1 Limnology and Oceanography. 26: 350-360. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1981.26.2.0350  0.368
1980 Lee C, Howarth RW, Howes BL. Sterols in decomposing Spartina alterniflora and the use of ergosterol in estimating the contribution of fungi to detrital nitrogen1 Limnology and Oceanography. 25: 290-303. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1980.25.2.0290  0.423
1980 Peterson BJ, Howarth RW, Lipschultz F, Ashendorf D. Salt Marsh Detritus: An Alternative Interpretation of Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios and the Fate of Spartina alterniflora Oikos. 34: 173. DOI: 10.2307/3544179  0.364
1979 Howarth RW. Pyrite: its rapid formation in a salt marsh and its importance in ecosystem metabolism. Science (New York, N.Y.). 203: 49-51. PMID 17840511 DOI: 10.1126/Science.203.4375.49  0.36
1979 Howarth RW, Teal JM. Sulfate reduction in a New England salt marsh1 Limnology and Oceanography. 24: 999-1013. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1979.24.6.0999  0.301
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