Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Blum A, Dickerson JP, Haghtalab N, Procaccia AD, Sandholm T, Sharma A. Ignorance Is Almost Bliss: Near-Optimal Stochastic Matching with Few Queries Operations Research. 68: 16-34. DOI: 10.1287/Opre.2019.1856 |
0.365 |
2020 |
Blum A. Technical perspective: Algorithm selection as a learning problem Communications of the Acm. 63: 86-86. DOI: 10.1145/3394623 |
0.449 |
2020 |
Balcan M, Blum A, Nagarajan V. Lifelong learning in costly feature spaces Theoretical Computer Science. 808: 14-37. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tcs.2019.11.010 |
0.632 |
2015 |
Blum A, Long PM. Special Issue on New Theoretical Challenges in Machine Learning Algorithmica. 72: 191-192. DOI: 10.1007/S00453-014-9941-1 |
0.31 |
2013 |
Blum A, Ligett K, Roth A. A learning theory approach to noninteractive database privacy Journal of the Acm. 60. DOI: 10.1145/2450142.2450148 |
0.737 |
2013 |
Balcan MF, Blum A, Gupta A. Clustering under approximation stability Journal of the Acm. 60. DOI: 10.1145/2450142.2450144 |
0.589 |
2013 |
Balcan MF, Blum A, Mansour Y. Circumventing the price of anarchy: Leading dynamics to good behavior Siam Journal On Computing. 42: 230-264. DOI: 10.1137/110821317 |
0.585 |
2012 |
Awasthi P, Blum A, Sheffet O. Center-based clustering under perturbation stability Information Processing Letters. 112: 49-54. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ipl.2011.10.006 |
0.729 |
2010 |
Blum A, Even-Dar E, Ligett K. Routing Without Regret: On Convergence to Nash Equilibria of Regret-Minimizing Algorithms in Routing Games Theory of Computing. 6: 179-199. DOI: 10.4086/Toc.2010.V006A008 |
0.703 |
2010 |
Balcan MF, Blum A. A discriminative model for semi-supervised learning Journal of the Acm. 57. DOI: 10.1145/1706591.1706599 |
0.658 |
2009 |
Blum A, Coja-Oghlan A, Frieze A, Zhou S. Separating populations with wide data: A spectral analysis Electronic Journal of Statistics. 3: 76-113. DOI: 10.1214/08-Ejs289 |
0.328 |
2009 |
Cholleti SR, Goldman SA, Blum A, Politte DG, Don S, Smith K, Prior F. Veritas: Combining expert opinions without labeled data International Journal On Artificial Intelligence Tools. 18: 633-651. DOI: 10.1142/S0218213009000330 |
0.356 |
2008 |
Balcan M, Blum A, Mansour Y. Item pricing for revenue maximization Sigecom Exchanges. 7: 6. DOI: 10.1145/1486877.1486883 |
0.569 |
2008 |
Balcan MF, Blum A, Hartline JD, Mansour Y. Reducing mechanism design to algorithm design via machine learning Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 74: 1245-1270. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jcss.2007.08.002 |
0.671 |
2008 |
Balcan MF, Blum A, Srebro N. A theory of learning with similarity functions Machine Learning. 72: 89-112. DOI: 10.1007/S10994-008-5059-5 |
0.614 |
2007 |
Balcan M, Blum A. Approximation Algorithms and Online Mechanisms for Item Pricing Theory of Computing. 3: 179-195. DOI: 10.4086/Toc.2007.V003A009 |
0.63 |
2007 |
Balcan M, Blum A. Mechanism design, machine learning, and pricing problems Sigecom Exchanges. 7: 34-36. DOI: 10.1145/1345037.1345045 |
0.66 |
2007 |
Blum A, Chawla S, Karger DR, Lane T, Meyerson A, Minkoff M. Approximation Algorithms for Orienteering and Discounted-Reward TSP Siam Journal On Computing. 37: 653-670. DOI: 10.1137/050645464 |
0.581 |
2007 |
Blum A, Lugosi G, Simon HU. Introduction to the special issue on COLT 2006 Machine Learning. 69: 75-77. DOI: 10.1007/S10994-007-5027-5 |
0.393 |
2006 |
Blum A, Sandholm T, Zinkevich M. Online algorithms for market clearing Journal of the Acm. 53: 845-879. DOI: 10.1145/1183907.1183913 |
0.674 |
2006 |
Balcan MF, Blum A, Vempala S. Kernels as features: On kernels, margins, and low-dimensional mappings Machine Learning. 65: 79-94. DOI: 10.1007/S10994-006-7550-1 |
0.591 |
2006 |
Blum A. Random projection, margins, kernels, and feature-selection Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 3940: 52-68. DOI: 10.1007/11752790_3 |
0.414 |
2005 |
Azar Y, Blum A, Bunde DP, Mansour Y. Combining Online Algorithms for Acceptance and Rejection Theory of Computing. 1: 105-117. DOI: 10.4086/Toc.2005.V001A006 |
0.436 |
2004 |
Blum A, Kalai A, Kleinberg J. Admission control to minimize rejections Internet Mathematics. 1: 165-176. DOI: 10.1080/15427951.2004.10129085 |
0.695 |
2004 |
Blum A, Kumar V, Rudra A, Wu F. Online learning in online auctions Theoretical Computer Science. 324: 137-146. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tcs.2004.05.012 |
0.414 |
2004 |
Blum A, Jackson J, Sandholm T, Zinkevich M. Preference Elicitation and Query Learning Journal of Machine Learning Research. 5: 649-667. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-45167-9_3 |
0.646 |
2003 |
Blum A, Kalai A, Wasserman H. Noise-tolerant learning, the parity problem, and the statistical query model Journal of the Acm. 50: 506-519. DOI: 10.1145/792538.792543 |
0.695 |
2003 |
Langford J, Blum A. Microchoice Bounds and Self Bounding Learning Algorithms Machine Learning. 51: 165-179. DOI: 10.1023/A:1022806918936 |
0.445 |
2000 |
Blum A, Karloff H, Rabani Y, Saks M. A Decomposition Theorem for Task Systems and Bounds for Randomized Server Problems Siam Journal On Computing. 30: 1624-1661. DOI: 10.1137/S0097539799351882 |
0.356 |
2000 |
Blum A, Chalasani P. An Online Algorithm for Improving Performance in Navigation Siam Journal On Computing. 29: 1907-1938. DOI: 10.1137/S0097539795290593 |
0.352 |
2000 |
Blum A, Burch C. On-line learning and the Metrical Task System problem Machine Learning. 39: 35-58. DOI: 10.1023/A:1007621832648 |
0.676 |
2000 |
Blum A, Konjevod G, Ravi R, Vempala S. Semi-definite relaxations for minimum bandwidth and other vertex-ordering problems Theoretical Computer Science. 235: 25-42. DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3975(99)00181-4 |
0.332 |
1999 |
Mitchell JSB, Blum A, Chalasani P, Vempala S. A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for the Geometric k -MST Problem in the Plane Siam Journal On Computing. 28: 771-781. DOI: 10.1137/S0097539796303299 |
0.401 |
1999 |
Awerbuch B, Azar Y, Blum A, Vempala S. New Approximation Guarantees for Minimum-Weight k -Trees and Prize-Collecting Salesmen Siam Journal On Computing. 28: 254-262. DOI: 10.1137/S009753979528826X |
0.383 |
1999 |
Blum A, Ravi R, Vempala S. A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for thek-MST Problem Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 58: 101-108. DOI: 10.1006/Jcss.1997.1542 |
0.445 |
1998 |
Blum A, Raghavan P. On a theory of computing symposia Sigact News. 29: 104-111. DOI: 10.1145/300307.300315 |
0.408 |
1998 |
Aizenstein H, Blum A, Khardon R, Kushilevitz E, Pitt L, Roth D. On Learning Read- k -Satisfy- j DNF Siam Journal On Computing. 27: 1515-1530. DOI: 10.1137/S0097539794274398 |
0.398 |
1998 |
Blum A. On-line Algorithms in Machine Learning Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 306-325. DOI: 10.1007/Bfb0029575 |
0.454 |
1998 |
Blum A, Chalasani P, Goldman SA, Slonim DK. Learning with Unreliable Boundary Queries Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 56: 209-222. DOI: 10.1006/Jcss.1997.1559 |
0.397 |
1997 |
Blum A, Raghavan P, Schieber B. Navigating in Unfamiliar Geometric Terrain Siam Journal On Computing. 26: 110-137. DOI: 10.1137/S0097539791194931 |
0.315 |
1997 |
Blum A. Empirical Support for Winnow and Weighted-MajorityAlgorithms: Results on a Calendar Scheduling Domain Machine Learning. 26: 5-23. DOI: 10.1023/A:1007335615132 |
0.416 |
1997 |
Blum A, Karger D. An Õ( n 3/14 )-coloring algorithm for 3-colorable graphs Information Processing Letters. 61: 49-53. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-0190(96)00190-1 |
0.339 |
1995 |
Blum A, Hellerstein L, Littlestone N. Learning in the Presence of Finitely or Infinitely Many Irrelevant Attributes Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 50: 32-40. DOI: 10.1006/Jcss.1995.1004 |
0.451 |
1995 |
Blum A, Spencer J. Coloring random and semi-random k -colorable graphs Journal of Algorithms. 19: 204-234. DOI: 10.1006/Jagm.1995.1034 |
0.326 |
1994 |
Blum A, Jiang T, Li M, Tromp J, Yannakakis M. Linear approximation of shortest superstrings Journal of the Acm. 41: 630-647. DOI: 10.1145/179812.179818 |
0.406 |
1994 |
Blum A. New Approximation Algorithms for Graph Coloring Journal of the Acm (Jacm). 41: 470-516. DOI: 10.1145/176584.176586 |
0.342 |
1992 |
Blum A. Learning Boolean Functions in an Infinite Attribute Space Machine Learning. 9: 373-386. DOI: 10.1023/A:1022653502461 |
0.446 |
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