Gregory M. Shaver - Publications

Materials Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Mechanical Engineering

98 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Gosala DB, Raghukumar H, Allen CM, Shaver GM, McCarthy JE, Lutz TP. Model-based design of dynamic firing patterns for supervisory control of diesel engine vibration Control Engineering Practice. 107: 104681. DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2020.104681  0.347
2020 Vos KR, Shaver GM, Joshi MC, McCarthy J. Implementing variable valve actuation on a diesel engine at high-speed idle operation for improved aftertreatment warm-up: International Journal of Engine Research. 21: 1134-1146. DOI: 10.1177/1468087419880639  0.544
2020 Hoshing V, Vora A, Saha T, Jin X, Kurtulus O, Vatkar N, Shaver G, Wasynczuk O, García RE, Varigonda S. Evaluating emissions and sensitivity of economic gains for series plug-in hybrid electric vehicle powertrains for transit bus applications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 234: 3272-3287. DOI: 10.1177/0954407020937522  0.31
2020 Guerrero de la Peña A, Davendralingam N, Raz AK, DeLaurentis D, Shaver G, Sujan V, Jain N. Projecting adoption of truck powertrain technologies and CO2 emissions in line-haul networks Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 84: 102354. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trd.2020.102354  0.456
2019 Vos KR, Shaver GM, Ramesh AK, McCarthy J. Impact of Cylinder Deactivation and Cylinder Cutout via Flexible Valve Actuation on Fuel Efficient Aftertreatment Thermal Management at Curb Idle Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. 5. DOI: 10.3389/Fmech.2019.00052  0.588
2019 Taylor AH, Odstrcil TE, Ramesh AK, Shaver GM, Koeberlein E, Farrell L, McCarthy J. Model-based compressor surge avoidance algorithm for internal combustion engines utilizing cylinder deactivation during motoring conditions: International Journal of Engine Research. 146808741988347. DOI: 10.1177/1468087419883477  0.511
2019 Vos KR, Shaver GM, Joshi MC, Ramesh AK, McCarthy J. Strategies for using valvetrain flexibility instead of exhaust manifold pressure modulation for diesel engine gas exchange and thermal management control International Journal of Engine Research. 146808741988063. DOI: 10.1177/1468087419880634  0.52
2019 Gosala DB, Shaver GM, McCarthy JE, Lutz TP. Fuel-efficient thermal management in diesel engines via valvetrain-enabled cylinder ventilation strategies: International Journal of Engine Research. 146808741986724. DOI: 10.1177/1468087419867247  0.566
2019 Allen CM, Joshi MC, Gosala DB, Shaver GM, Farrell L, McCarthy J. Experimental assessment of diesel engine cylinder deactivation performance during low-load transient operations: International Journal of Engine Research. 146808741985759. DOI: 10.1177/1468087419857597  0.508
2019 Ramesh AK, Odstrcil TE, Gosala DB, Shaver GM, Nayyar S, Koeberlein E, McCarthy J. Reverse breathing in diesel engines for aftertreatment thermal management International Journal of Engine Research. 20: 862-876. DOI: 10.1177/1468087418783118  0.539
2019 Gosala DB, Allen CM, Shaver GM, Farrell L, Koeberlein E, Franke B, Stretch D, McCarthy J. Dynamic cylinder activation in diesel engines International Journal of Engine Research. 20: 849-861. DOI: 10.1177/1468087418779937  0.54
2019 Allen CM, Gosala DB, Shaver GM, McCarthy J. Comparative study of diesel engine cylinder deactivation transition strategies International Journal of Engine Research. 20: 570-580. DOI: 10.1177/1468087418768117  0.567
2019 Vos KR, Shaver GM, Lu X, Allen CM, McCarthy J, Farrell L. Improving diesel engine efficiency at high speeds and loads through improved breathing via delayed intake valve closure timing International Journal of Engine Research. 20: 194-202. DOI: 10.1177/1468087417743157  0.563
2019 Guerrero de la Peña A, Davendralingam N, Raz AK, DeLaurentis D, Shaver G, Sujan V, Jain N. Projecting line-haul truck technology adoption: How heterogeneity among fleets impacts system-wide adoption Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 124: 108-127. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tre.2018.12.017  0.33
2019 Jana A, Shaver GM, García RE. Physical, on the fly, capacity degradation prediction of LiNiMnCoO2-graphite cells Journal of Power Sources. 422: 185-195. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpowsour.2019.02.073  0.308
2018 Ramesh AK, Gosala DB, Allen C, Joshi M, McCarthy J, Farrell L, Koeberlein ED, Shaver G. Cylinder Deactivation for Increased Engine Efficiency and Aftertreatment Thermal Management in Diesel Engines Sae International Journal of Engines. 11. DOI: 10.4271/2018-01-0384  0.501
2018 Vos KR, Shaver GM, McCarthy J, Farrell L. Utilizing Production Viable Valve Strategies at Elevated Speeds and Loads to Improve Volumetric Efficiency via Intake Valve Modulation Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. 4. DOI: 10.3389/Fmech.2018.00002  0.438
2018 Gosala DB, Ramesh AK, Allen CM, Joshi MC, Taylor AH, Voorhis MV, Shaver GM, Farrell L, Koeberlein E, McCarthy J, Stretch D. Diesel engine aftertreatment warm-up through early exhaust valve opening and internal exhaust gas recirculation during idle operation: International Journal of Engine Research. 19: 758-773. DOI: 10.1177/1468087417730240  0.555
2018 Jin X, Vora A, Hoshing V, Saha T, Shaver G, Wasynczuk O, Varigonda S. Applicability of available Li-ion battery degradation models for system and control algorithm design Control Engineering Practice. 71: 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2017.10.002  0.323
2017 Joshi MC, Gosala DB, Allen CM, Vos K, Voorhis MV, Taylor A, Shaver GM, McCarthy J, Stretch D, Koeberlein E, Farrell L. Reducing Diesel Engine Drive Cycle Fuel Consumption through Use of Cylinder Deactivation to Maintain Aftertreatment Component Temperature during Idle and Low Load Operating Conditions Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. 3: 8. DOI: 10.3389/Fmech.2017.00008  0.568
2017 Ramesh AK, Shaver GM, Allen CM, Nayyar S, Gosala DB, Parra DC, Koeberlein E, McCarthy J, Nielsen D. Utilizing low airflow strategies, including cylinder deactivation, to improve fuel efficiency and aftertreatment thermal management: International Journal of Engine Research. 18: 1005-1016. DOI: 10.1177/1468087417695897  0.496
2017 Gosala DB, Allen CM, Ramesh AK, Shaver GM, McCarthy J, Stretch D, Koeberlein E, Farrell L. Cylinder deactivation during dynamic diesel engine operation International Journal of Engine Research. 18: 991-1004. DOI: 10.1177/1468087417694000  0.514
2017 Halbe MH, Fain DJ, Shaver GM, Kocher L, Koeberlein D. Control-oriented premixed charge compression ignition CA50 model for a diesel engine utilizing variable valve actuation International Journal of Engine Research. 18: 847-857. DOI: 10.1177/1468087416678510  0.856
2017 Jin X, Vora A, Hoshing V, Saha T, Shaver G, García RE, Wasynczuk O, Varigonda S. Physically-based reduced-order capacity loss model for graphite anodes in Li-ion battery cells Journal of Power Sources. 342: 750-761. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpowsour.2016.12.099  0.302
2017 Vora AP, Jin X, Hoshing V, Saha T, Shaver G, Varigonda S, Wasynczuk O, Tyner WE. Design-space exploration of series plug-in hybrid electric vehicles for medium-duty truck applications in a total cost-of-ownership framework Applied Energy. 202: 662-672. DOI: 10.1016/J.Apenergy.2017.05.090  0.366
2016 Ding C, Roberts L, Fain DJ, Ramesh AK, Shaver GM, McCarthy J, Ruth M, Koeberlein E, Holloway EA, Nielsen D. Fuel efficient exhaust thermal management for compression ignition engines during idle via cylinder deactivation and flexible valve actuation International Journal of Engine Research. 17: 619-630. DOI: 10.1177/1468087415597413  0.678
2016 Garg A, Magee M, Ding C, Roberts L, Shaver G, Koeberlein E, Shute R, Koeberlein D, McCarthy J, Nielsen D. Fuel-efficient exhaust thermal management using cylinder throttling via intake valve closing timing modulation Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 230: 470-478. DOI: 10.1177/0954407015586896  0.355
2015 Jatana GS, Magee M, Fain D, Naik SV, Shaver GM, Lucht RP. Simultaneous high-speed gas property measurements at the exhaust gas recirculation cooler exit and at the turbocharger inlet of a multicylinder diesel engine using diode-laser-absorption spectroscopy. Applied Optics. 54: 1220-31. PMID 25968043 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.54.001220  0.453
2015 Lu X, Ding C, Ramesh AK, Shaver GM, Holloway E, McCarthy J, Ruth M, Koeberlein E, Nielsen D. Impact of Cylinder Deactivation on Active Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration at Highway Cruise Conditions Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. 1. DOI: 10.3389/Fmech.2015.00009  0.669
2015 Roberts L, Magee M, Shaver G, Garg A, McCarthy J, Koeberlein E, Holloway E, Shute R, Koeberlein D, Nielsen D. Modeling the impact of early exhaust valve opening on exhaust aftertreatment thermal management and efficiency for compression ignition engines International Journal of Engine Research. 16: 773-794. DOI: 10.1177/1468087414551616  0.594
2015 Vora AP, Jin X, Hoshing V, Guo X, Shaver G, Tyner W, Holloway E, Varigonda S, Kupe J. Simulation framework for the optimization of HEV design parameters: Incorporating battery degradation in a lifecycle economic analysis Ifac Proceedings Volumes (Ifac-Papersonline). 48: 195-202. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ifacol.2015.10.028  0.385
2014 Jatana GS, Naik SV, Shaver GM, Lucht RP. High-speed diode laser measurements of temperature and water vapor concentration in the intake manifold of a diesel engine International Journal of Engine Research. 15: 773-788. DOI: 10.1177/1468087413517107  0.414
2014 Le D, Shen J, Ruikar N, Shaver GM. Dynamic modeling of a piezoelectric fuel injector during rate shaping operation International Journal of Engine Research. 15: 471-487. DOI: 10.1177/1468087413492737  0.706
2014 Hall CM, Adi GH, Shaver GM, Tao B. A robust fuel flexible combustion control strategy for biodiesel with variable fatty acid composition during mixing-controlled combustion International Journal of Engine Research. 15: 165-179. DOI: 10.1177/1468087412465276  0.82
2014 Kocher LE, Hall CM, Van Alstine D, Magee M, Shaver GM. Nonlinear model-based control of combustion timing in premixed charge compression ignition Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 228: 703-718. DOI: 10.1177/0954407014521797  0.8
2014 Le D, Pietrzak BW, Shaver GM. Stability analysis of a dynamic surface control for piezoelectric fuel injection during rate shaping Asme 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Dscc 2014. 3. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2014-6150  0.321
2014 Kocher L, Koeberlein E, Stricker K, Alstine DGV, Shaver G. Control-oriented gas exchange model for diesel engines utilizing variable intake valve actuation Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the Asme. 136. DOI: 10.1115/1.4027960  0.84
2014 Stricker K, Kocher L, Koeberlein E, Alstine DGV, Shaver GM. Turbocharger map reduction for control-oriented modeling Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the Asme. 136. DOI: 10.1115/1.4026532  0.797
2014 Pietrzak BW, Le D, Shaver GM. Model-based estimation of piezoelectric fuel injector parameters Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1529-1534. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2014.6859007  0.441
2014 Le D, Pietrzak BW, Shaver GM. Dynamic surface control of a piezoelectric fuel injector during rate shaping Control Engineering Practice. 30: 12-26. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2014.04.004  0.731
2014 Kocher LE, Hall CM, Stricker K, Fain D, Van Alstine D, Shaver GM. Robust oxygen fraction estimation for conventional and premixed charge compression ignition engines with variable valve actuation Control Engineering Practice. 29: 187-200. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2013.12.002  0.807
2014 Simmons RA, Shaver GM, Tyner WE, Garimella SV. A benefit-cost assessment of new vehicle technologies and fuel economy in the U.S. market Applied Energy. DOI: 10.1016/J.Apenergy.2015.01.068  0.449
2014 Yadav A, Vinh M, Shaver GM, Meckl P, Firebaugh S. Case-based instruction: Improving students' conceptual understanding through cases in a mechanical engineering course Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 51: 659-677. DOI: 10.1002/Tea.21149  0.322
2013 Van Alstine DG, Kocher LE, Koeberlein E, Stricker K, Shaver GM. Control-oriented premixed charge compression ignition combustion timing model for a diesel engine utilizing flexible intake valve modulation International Journal of Engine Research. 14: 211-230. DOI: 10.1177/1468087412455606  0.836
2013 Hall CM, Van Alstine D, Kocher L, Shaver GM. Closed-loop combustion control of biodiesel-diesel blends in premixed operating conditions enabled via high exhaust gas recirculation rates Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 227: 966-985. DOI: 10.1177/0954407013487647  0.393
2013 Le D, Pietrzak BW, Shaver GM. Rate shaping estimation and control of a piezoelectric fuel injector Asme 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Dscc 2013. 1. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2013-3960  0.504
2013 Hall CM, Van Alstine D, Shaver GM. Flatness-based control of mode transitions between conventional and premixed charge compression ignition on a modern diesel engine with variable valve actuation Asme 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Dscc 2013. 1. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2013-3930  0.44
2013 Adi GH, Hall CM, Snyder DB, Belt BWD, Shaver GM. Fuel-flexible engine control of biodiesel blends during mixing-controlled combustion Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the Asme. 135. DOI: 10.1115/1.4023299  0.844
2013 Shen J, Ruikar N, Le D, Shaver GM. Model-based within-a-cycle estimation of rate shaping for a piezoelectric fuel injector Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3625-3630. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2014.02.010  0.74
2013 Stricker K, Kocher L, Van Alstine D, Shaver GM. Input observer convergence and robustness: Application to compression ratio estimation Control Engineering Practice. 21: 565-582. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2012.11.009  0.787
2013 Le D, Shen J, Ruikar N, Shaver GM. Dynamic modeling of piezoelectric injector-enabled rate shaping Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3643-3648.  0.394
2013 Sane M, Dasappa S, Shaver GM, Gore JP. Effect of exhaust gas recirculation and combustible oxygen mass fraction on emission index of NOx for counterflow methane/air diffusion flames 8th Us National Combustion Meeting 2013. 3: 2121-2135.  0.418
2012 Adi G, Hall C, Tao B, Shaver G. Diesel engine control strategy for biodiesel blend accommodation independent of fuel fatty acid structure Ifac Proceedings Volumes (Ifac-Papersonline). 17-24. DOI: 10.3182/20121023-3-Fr-4025.00037  0.836
2012 Kocher LE, Stricker K, Van Alstine DG, Shaver GM. Robust oxygen fraction estimation for diesel engines utilizing variable intake valve actuation Ifac Proceedings Volumes (Ifac-Papersonline). 310-317. DOI: 10.3182/20121023-3-Fr-4025.00025  0.823
2012 Stricker K, Kocher L, Van Alstine D, Shaver GM. Guaranteed convergence of a high-gain input observer robust to measurement uncertainty: Application to ECR estimation Ifac Proceedings Volumes (Ifac-Papersonline). 302-309. DOI: 10.3182/20121023-3-Fr-4025.00023  0.788
2012 Hall CM, Shaver GM, Chauvin J, Petit N. Control-oriented modelling of combustion phasing for a fuel-flexible spark-ignited engine with variable valve timing International Journal of Engine Research. 13: 448-463. DOI: 10.1177/1468087412439019  0.615
2012 Kocher L, Koeberlein E, Van Alstine DG, Stricker K, Shaver G. Physically based volumetric efficiency model for diesel engines utilizing variable intake valve actuation International Journal of Engine Research. 13: 169-184. DOI: 10.1177/1468087411424378  0.827
2012 Stricker K, Kocher L, Koeberlein E, Van Alstine D, Shaver GM. Estimation of effective compression ratio for engines utilizing flexible intake valve actuation Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 226: 1001-1015. DOI: 10.1177/0954407012438024  0.509
2012 Hall CM, Van Alstine D, Kocher L, Shaver GM, Lee D. Combustion timing modeling and control framework for biodiesel/diesel blends during pre-mixed combustion Asme 2012 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference Joint With the Jsme 2012 11th Motion and Vibration Conference, Dscc 2012-Movic 2012. 2: 329-338. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2012-MOVIC2012-8687  0.478
2012 Satkoski CA, Ruikar NS, Biggs SD, Shaver GM. Piezoelectric fuel injection: Cycle-to-cycle control of tightly spaced injections Control Engineering Practice. 20: 1175-1182. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2012.06.002  0.484
2012 Stricker K, Kocher L, Koeberlein E, Van Alstine D, Shaver GM. Effective compression ratio estimation in engines with flexible intake valve actuation Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1284-1289.  0.507
2012 Van Alstine DG, Kocher LE, Koeberlein E, Stricker K, Shaver GM. Control-oriented PCCI combustion timing model for a diesel engine utilizing flexible intake valve modulation and high EGR levels Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2060-2065.  0.849
2012 Hall CM, Shaver GM, Chauvin J, Petit N. Combustion phasing model for control of a gasoline-ethanol fueled SI engine with variable valve timing Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1271-1277.  0.413
2012 Kocher LE, Stricker K, Van Alstine DG, Koeberlein E, Shaver GM. Oxygen fraction estimation for diesel engines utilizing variable intake valve actuation Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4963-4968.  0.84
2011 Snyder DB, Adi GH, Hall CH, Shaver GM. Control-variable-based accommodation of biodiesel blends International Journal of Engine Research. 12: 564-579. DOI: 10.1177/1468087411415181  0.848
2011 Modiyani R, Kocher L, Van Alstine DG, Koeberlein E, Stricker K, Meckl P, Shaver G. Effect of intake valve closure modulation on effective compression ratio and gas exchange in turbocharged multi-cylinder engines utilizing EGR International Journal of Engine Research. 12: 617-631. DOI: 10.1177/1468087411415180  0.846
2011 Koeberlein E, Kocher L, Van Alstine D, Stricker K, Shaver G. Physics based control oriented modeling of exhaust gas enthalpy for engines utilizing variable valve actuation Asme 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference and Bath/Asme Symposium On Fluid Power and Motion Control, Dscc 2011. 2: 627-634. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2011-6001  0.526
2011 Kocher L, Koeberlein E, VanAlstine DG, Stricker K, Shaver G. Physically-based volumetric efficiency model for diesel engines utilizing variable intake valve actuation Asme 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference and Bath/Asme Symposium On Fluid Power and Motion Control, Dscc 2011. 1: 913-920. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2011-5997  0.5
2011 Satkoski CA, Shaver GM, More R, Meckl P, Memering D, Venkataraman S, Syed J, Carmona-Valdes J. Dynamic modeling of a piezoelectric actuated fuel injector Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the Asme. 133. DOI: 10.1115/1.4003095  0.588
2011 Satkoski C, Shaver G. Piezoelectric Fuel Injection: Pulse-to-Pulse Coupling and Flow Rate Estimation Ieee-Asme Transactions On Mechatronics. 16: 627-642. DOI: 10.1109/Tmech.2010.2048334  0.47
2011 Kocher L, Koeberlein E, Stricker K, Van Alstine DG, Biller B, Shaver GM. Control-oriented modeling of diesel engine gas exchange Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1555-1560.  0.53
2011 Satkoski CA, Ruikar NS, Biggs SD, Shaver GM. Cycle-to-cycle estimation and control of multiple pulse profiles for a piezoelectric fuel injector Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 965-972.  0.407
2010 Satkoski CA, Shaver GM. Design of a dynamic fuel flow estimator for a piezoelectric fuel injector Ifac Proceedings Volumes (Ifac-Papersonline). 240-245. DOI: 10.3182/20100712-3-De-2013.00196  0.558
2010 Snyder DB, Adi GH, Hall CM, Bunce MP, Shaver GM. Closed-loop control framework for fuel-flexible combustion of biodiesel blends American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Internal Combustion Engine Division (Publication) Ice. 665-674. DOI: 10.1115/ICEF2010-35129  0.826
2010 Bunce M, Snyder D, Adi G, Hall C, Shaver G. Optimization of the performance and emissions of soy biodiesel blends in a modern diesel engine American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Internal Combustion Engine Division (Publication) Ice. 129-138. DOI: 10.1115/ICEF2010-35034  0.839
2010 Kulkarni AM, Shaver GM, Popuri SS, Frazier TR, Stanton DW. Computationally efficient whole-engine model of a Cummins 2007 turbocharged diesel engine Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power. 132. DOI: 10.1115/1.3125316  0.641
2010 Shaver G, Bunce M, Snyder D, Adi G, Hall C, Koehler J, Davila B, Kumar S, Garimella P, Stanton D. Stock and optimized performance and emissions with 5 and 20%soy biodiesel blends in a modern common rail turbo-diesel engine Energy and Fuels. 24: 928-939. DOI: 10.1021/Ef9011033  0.838
2010 Snyder DB, Adi GH, Bunce MP, Satkoski CA, Shaver GM. Fuel blend fraction estimation for fuel-flexible combustion control: Uncertainty analysis Control Engineering Practice. 18: 418-432. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2010.01.001  0.84
2010 Snyder DB, Adi GH, Bunce MP, Hall CM, Shaver GM. Dynamic exhaust oxygen based biodiesel blend estimation with an Extended Kalman Filter Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, Acc 2010. 3009-3014.  0.749
2009 Adi G, Hall C, Snyder D, Bunce M, Satkoski C, Koehler J, Kumar S, Shaver G. An experimental and simulation study of increases in fuel consumption and NOx emissions in a biofueled diesel engine Proceedings of the Spring Technical Conference of the Asme Internal Combustion Engine Division. 115-124. DOI: 10.1115/ICES2009-76104  0.821
2009 Kulkarni AM, Stricker KC, Blum A, Shaver GM. PCCI control authority of a modern diesel engine outfitted with flexible intake valve actuation Sae Technical Papers. DOI: 10.1115/1.4002106  0.87
2009 Snyder DB, Adi GH, Bunce MP, Satkoski CA, Shaver GM. Steady-state biodiesel blend estimation via a wideband oxygen sensor Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the Asme. 131: 1-9. DOI: 10.1115/1.3117205  0.847
2009 Shaver GM, Gerdes JC, Roelle MJ. Physics-based modeling and control of residual-affected HCCI engines Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the Asme. 131: 1-12. DOI: 10.1115/1.3023125  0.581
2009 Adi G, Hall C, Snyder D, Bunce M, Satkoski C, Kumar S, Garimella P, Stanton D, Shaver G. Soy-biodiesel impact on NOx emissions and fuel economy for diffusion-dominated combustion in a turbo - Diesel engine incorporating exhaust gas recirculation and common rail fuel injection Energy and Fuels. 23: 5821-5829. DOI: 10.1021/Ef9006609  0.85
2009 Snyder DB, Adi GH, Bunce MP, Satkoski CA, Shaver GM. Uncertainty analysis of wideband oxygen sensor based strategy for steady-state biodiesel blend estimation 2008 Proceedings of the Asme Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Dscc 2008. 1383-1391.  0.75
2008 Kulkarni AM, Adi GH, Shaver GM. Modeling cylinder-to-cylinder coupling in multi-cylinder HCCI engines incorporating reinduction Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 9: 1597-1604. DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2007-42487  0.851
2008 Shaver GM. Enabling simultaneous reductions in fuel consumption, NOx, and CO2 via modeling and control of residual-affected low temperature combustion Acs National Meeting Book of Abstracts 0.495
2007 Shaver GM. Stability analysis of residual-affected HCCI using convex optimization Ifac Proceedings Volumes (Ifac-Papersonline). 5: 487-492. DOI: 10.3182/20070820-3-Us-2918.00066  0.557
2006 Shaver GM, Roelle MJ, Gerdes JC. Modeling cycle-to-cycle dynamics and mode transition in HCCI engines with variable valve actuation Control Engineering Practice. 14: 213-222. DOI: 10.1016/J.Conengprac.2005.04.009  0.474
2006 Shaver GM, Roelle M, Gerdes JC. A two-input two-output control model of HCCI engines Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2006: 472-477.  0.394
2005 Shaver GM, Roelle MJ, Caton PA, Kaahaaina NB, Ravi N, Hathout JP, Ahmed J, Kojić A, Park S, Edwards CF, Gerdes JC. A physics-based approach to the control of homogeneous charge compression ignition engines with variable valve actuation International Journal of Engine Research. 6: 361-375. DOI: 10.1243/146808705X30512  0.63
2005 Shaver GM, Gerdes JC, Roelle MJ, Caton PA, Edwards CF. Dynamic modeling of residual-affected homogeneous charge compression ignition engines with variable valve actuation Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the Asme. 127: 374-381. DOI: 10.1115/1.1979511  0.59
2005 Shaver GM, Roelle M, Gerdes JC. Decoupled control of combustion timing and work output in residual-affected HCCI engines Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 6: 3871-3876.  0.445
2004 Shaver GM, Kojić A, Gerdes JC, Hathout J, Ahmed J. Contraction and sum of squares analysis of HCCI engines Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 37: 1141-1146. DOI: 10.1016/S1474-6670(17)31380-0  0.573
2004 Shaver GM, Roelle M, Gerdes JC. Modeling Cycle-to-Cycle Coupling in HCCI Engines Utilizing Variable Valve Actuation Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 37: 227-232. DOI: 10.1016/S1474-6670(17)30349-X  0.524
2004 Shaver GM, Gerdes JC, Roelle M. Physics-based closed-loop control of phasing, peak pressure and work output in HCCI engines utilizing variable valve actuation Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1: 150-155.  0.457
2003 Shaver GM, Gerdes JC. Cycle-to-cycle control of HCCI engines American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) Dsc. 72: 403-412. DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2003-41966  0.504
2003 Shaver GM, Gerdes JC, Jain P, Caton PA, Edwards CF. Modeling for Control of HCCI Engines Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1: 749-754.  0.366
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