University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Elena Y. AdamsRadiation Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Sciences2006 Sushil K. Atreya (grad student)
Alanood A. AlkhaledAtmospheric Sciences2009 Anna M. Michalak (grad student)
Sushil K. AtreyaAstronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics
Michael J. BarlageAtmospheric Science Physics2001 Peter J. Sousounis (grad student)
Stuart A. BattermanEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences
Peter A. BoslerApplied Mathematics, Meteorology, Physical Oceanography, Geophysics Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics2013 Robert Krasny (grad student)
Douglas B. Boudra1977 Ferdinand Baer (grad student)
John P. BoydAtmospheric science, oceanography, applied mathematics, numerical analysis
Alan BurnsAtmospheric Science Physics
Kathleen F. BushEnvironmental Health, Public Health, Climate Change2012 Marie S. O'Neill (grad student)
Tsing-Chang ChenMeteorology, Statistics Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen (grad student)
Su-Ting ChengEnvironmental Sciences, Climate Change, Water Resource Management2010 Michael J. Wiley (grad student)
Jo-Yu ChinEnvironmental Health, Environmental Sciences, Occupational Health and Safety2011 Stuart A. Batterman (grad student)
Ralph J. Ciceroneatmospheric chemistry, the radiative forcing of climate change due to trace gases, and the sources of atmospheric methane, nitrous oxide and methyl halide gases
Calvin R. ClauerAtmospheric Sciences
Jacques F. Derome1968 Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen (grad student)
Russell R. DickersonAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry1980 Donald H. Stedman (grad student)
A. Nelson DingleMeteorology, Cloud Science
Mira A. FrankeAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics2004 Katherine Freese (grad student)
Jason A. GilbertAtmospheric Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics2008 Thomas H. Zurbuchen (grad student)
Christopher C. GodwinEnvironmental Sciences, Public Health, Civil Engineering2003 Stuart A. Batterman (grad student)
Sharon M. GourdjiBiogeochemistry, Climate Change, Atmospheric Sciences2011 Anna M. Michalak (grad student)
Huan GuoAtmospheric Science Physics2007 Joyce E. Penner (grad student)
Douglas G. HalleauxAtmospheric Sciences Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences2014 Nilton O. Renno (grad student)
Sue Ellen HauptMeteorology1988 John P. Boyd (grad student)
Paul HaysAtmospheric Science Physics, Optics Physics
Dongyang HeAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Engineering2000 Mark S. Sillman (grad student)
Daniel E. HortonPaleoclimate, Climate Change, Geology2011 Christopher J. Poulsen (grad student)
An-Tsun HuangEnvironmental Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, Food Science and Technology Agriculture2005 Stuart A. Batterman (grad student)
Rohini S. IndiresanAtmospheric Science Physics2002 Rick J. Niciejewski (grad student)
Nadja InselGeology, Paleoclimate Science2011 Christopher J. Poulsen (grad student)
Todd D. IrgangAtmospheric Science Physics, Optics Physics2000 Paul Hays (grad student)
Christiane JablonowskiGeneral Circulation Models (GCM), GCM dynamical cores, test cases, adaptive mesh refinement (AMR)2004 Joyce E. Penner (grad student)
Stanley Joel Jacobs
Gregory S. Jenkins1991 William R. Kuhn (grad student), Warren Morton Washington (grad student)
Chunrong JiaEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences2007 Stuart A. Batterman (grad student)
Jonathan D.W. KahlMeteorology, Atmospheric Science1987 Perry J. Samson (grad student)
Ali S. KamalEnvironmental Health, Public Health, Atmospheric Sciences2009 Gerald J. Keeler (grad student)
Henry Madison Kendall1933 Stanley Dalton Dodge (grad student)
Jacquelin KochAtmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences2006 Nilton O. Renno (grad student)
Rachael A. KroodsmaRemote Sensing, Atmospheric Sciences, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences2014 Darren S. McKague (grad student)
William R. Kuhn
Hien Q. LePublic Health, Biostatistics Biology, Toxicology2008 Stuart A. Batterman (grad student)
Yingjuan MaAtmospheric Science Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2006 Andrew F. Nagy (grad student)
Darren S. McKagueRemote Sensing, Atmospheric Sciences, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Tricia A. MettsPublic Health, Environmental Sciences2004 Stuart A. Batterman (grad student)
Annareli Moralesextreme precipitation, orographic precipitation, cloud physics, mesoscale meteorology Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering20142019 Derek J. Posselt (grad student)
Andrew F. NagyAtmospheric Science Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Dalal NajibFluid and Plasma Physics, Aeronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, Planetology2011 Andrew F. Nagy (grad student)
Erica A. NewmanEcology, Physics Physics2000 Timothy E. Chupp (grad student)
Rick J. NiciejewskiAtmospheric Science Physics
Ashley E. Payneatmosphere and climate dynamics, precipitation extremes
Joyce E. PennerAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry
Claire PettersenAtmospheric Radiation, Cloud Physics
Henry N. PollackAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences
Christopher J. PoulsenGeology, Atmospheric Sciences, Physical Oceanography
Kenneth A. Rahn1971 A. Nelson Dingle (grad student), John Widmer Winchester (grad student)
Kevin A. ReedAtmospheric Science, Tropical Cyclones, Climate Science2012 Christiane Jablonowski (grad student)
Nilton O. RennoThermodynamics, Systems Engineering, Instrument Design
Richard B. RoodMathematics, Theory Physics, Climate Change, Applied Mathematics, Geophysics
Perry J. SamsonAtmospheric science
Mark S. SillmanAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Engineering
Wilbert SkinnerAtmospheric Science Physics, Optics Physics
James A. SlavinFluid and Plasma Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Planetology
Jason E. SmerdonAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences2004 Henry N. Pollack (grad student)
George Sonnemann1955 Russell Alger Dodge (grad student), Kurt P. H. Frey (grad student)
Peter J. SousounisAtmospheric Science Physics
Feng-Chiao SuEnvironmental Health, Environmental Sciences, Public Health Environmental Health Sciences2013 Stuart A. Batterman (grad student)
Gabor TothFluid and Plasma Physics, Aeronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, Planetology
Paul A. UllrichAtmospheric Sciences, Computer Science2011 Christiane Jablonowski (grad student)
Arnaud ValeilleAtmospheric Sciences, Planetology2009 Michael R. Combi (grad student)
Anandu D. VernekarClimate modeling and general circulation of the atmosphere, statistics in atmospheric science1966 Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen (grad student)
Minghuai WangAtmospheric Sciences, Climate Change2009 Joyce E. Penner (grad student)
Jared P. WhiteheadMathematics, Theory Physics, Climate Change, Applied Mathematics, Geophysics2012 Charles Doering (grad student)
Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen
Beth Wingate1996 John P. Boyd (grad student), Stanley Joel Jacobs (grad student)