Tsing-Chang Chen
Affiliations: | Statistics | Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States |
Meteorology, StatisticsGoogle:
"Tsing-Chang Chen"Children
Sign in to add traineeChristopher K. Wikle | grad student | 1996 | Iowa State (MathTree) |
Jin-Ho Yoon | grad student | 2004 | Iowa State (MathTree) |
Wan-Ru Huang | grad student | 2008 | Iowa State (MathTree) |
Shih-Yu Wang | grad student | 2008 | Iowa State (MathTree) |
Jenq-Dar Tsay | grad student | 2012 | Iowa State |
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Chen T, Tsay J, Matsumoto J, et al. (2017) Impact of the Summer Monsoon Westerlies on the South China Sea Tropical Cyclone Genesis in May Weather and Forecasting. 32: 925-947 |
Chen T, Tsay J, Matsumoto J, et al. (2017) Forecast Advisory for a Cold-Season Heavy Rainfall/Flood Event That Developed from Multiple Interactions of the Cold-Surge Vortex with Cold-Surge Flows in the South China Sea Weather and Forecasting. 32: 797-819 |
Chen T, Tsay J, Yen M. (2017) Genesis and Development of Spring Rainstorms in Northern Southeast Asia: Southwest China–Northern Indochina and the Northern South China Sea Monthly Weather Review. 145: 4949-4976 |
Chen T, Tsay J, Matsumoto J. (2017) Interannual Variation of the Summer Rainfall Center in the South China Sea Journal of Climate. 30: 7909-7931 |
Chen T, Tsay J, Matsumoto J. (2017) Interannual Variation of the Cold-Season Rainfall Center in the South China Sea Journal of Climate. 30: 669-688 |
Yeh CN, Wang SY, Chen YY, et al. (2016) A Prognostic Nomogram for Overall Survival of Patients After Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. Anticancer Research. 36: 4249-58 |
Chen TC, Tsay JD, Takle ES. (2016) A forecast advisory for afternoon thunderstorm occurrence in the Taipei basin during summer developed from diagnostic analysis Weather and Forecasting. 31: 531-552 |
Chen TC, Tsay JD, Takle ES. (2016) Interannual variation of summer rainfall in the Taipei Basin Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 55: 1789-1812 |
Chiang KC, Yen CL, Yeh CN, et al. (2015) Hepatocellular carcinoma cells express 25(OH)D-1α-hydroxylase and are able to convert 25(OH)D to 1α,25(OH)2D, leading to the 25(OH)D-induced growth inhibition. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Chen TC, Tsay JD, Matsumoto J. (2015) Development and formation mechanism of the Southeast Asian winter heavy rainfall events around the South China Sea. Part II: Multiple interactions Journal of Climate. 28: 1444-1464 |