Year |
Citation |
Score |
2024 |
Kang SK, Kim SH, Lin II, Park YH, Choi Y, Ginis I, Cione J, Shin JY, Kim EJ, Kim KO, Kang HW, Park JH, Bidlot JR, Ward B. The North Equatorial Current and rapid intensification of super typhoons. Nature Communications. 15: 1742. PMID 38453921 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45685-2 |
0.343 |
2023 |
Huang W, Teng F, Ginis I, Ullman D, Ozguven E. Rainfall Runoff and Flood Simulations for Hurricane Impacts on Woonasquatucket River, USA. International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research. 9: 239-244. PMID 37933388 DOI: 10.18178/ijscer.9.3.239-244 |
0.311 |
2020 |
Vanderplow B, Soloviev AV, Dean CW, Haus BK, Lukas R, Sami M, Ginis I. Potential effect of bio-surfactants on sea spray generation in tropical cyclone conditions. Scientific Reports. 10: 19057. PMID 33149134 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-76226-8 |
0.334 |
2020 |
Chen X, Ginis I, Hara T. Impact of Shoaling Ocean Surface Waves on Wind Stress and Drag Coefficient in Coastal Waters: 2. Tropical Cyclones Journal of Geophysical Research. 125. DOI: 10.1029/2020Jc016223 |
0.513 |
2020 |
Chen X, Hara T, Ginis I. Impact of Shoaling Ocean Surface Waves on Wind Stress and Drag Coefficient in Coastal Waters: 1. Uniform Wind Journal of Geophysical Research. 125. DOI: 10.1029/2020Jc016222 |
0.509 |
2019 |
Witkop R, Becker A, Stempel P, Ginis I. Developing Consequence Thresholds for Storm Models Through Participatory Processes: Case Study of Westerly Rhode Island Frontiers in Earth Science. 7: 133. DOI: 10.3389/Feart.2019.00133 |
0.318 |
2019 |
Wang D, Kukulka T, Reichl BG, Hara T, Ginis I. Wind–Wave Misalignment Effects on Langmuir Turbulence in Tropical Cyclone Conditions Journal of Physical Oceanography. 49: 3109-3126. DOI: 10.1175/Jpo-D-19-0093.1 |
0.48 |
2019 |
Bender MA, Marchok T, Tuleya RE, Ginis I, Tallapragada V, Lord SJ. Hurricane Model Development at GFDL: A Collaborative Success Story from a Historical Perspective Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 100: 1725-1736. DOI: 10.1175/Bams-D-18-0197.1 |
0.361 |
2019 |
Torres MJ, Hashemi MR, Hayward S, Spaulding M, Ginis I, Grilli ST. Role of Hurricane Wind Models in Accurate Simulation of Storm Surge and Waves Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-Asce. 145: 4018039. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Ww.1943-5460.0000496 |
0.524 |
2018 |
Stempel P, Ginis I, Ullman DS, Becker A, Witkop R. Real-Time Chronological Hazard Impact Modeling Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 6: 134. DOI: 10.3390/Jmse6040134 |
0.316 |
2018 |
Chen X, Ginis I, Hara T. Sensitivity of Offshore Tropical Cyclone Wave Simulations to Spatial Resolution in Wave Models Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 6: 116. DOI: 10.3390/Jmse6040116 |
0.465 |
2018 |
Wang D, Kukulka T, Reichl BG, Hara T, Ginis I, Sullivan PP. Interaction of Langmuir Turbulence and Inertial Currents in the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer under Tropical Cyclones Journal of Physical Oceanography. 48: 1921-1940. DOI: 10.1175/Jpo-D-17-0258.1 |
0.512 |
2018 |
Gao K, Ginis I. On the Characteristics of Linear-Phase Roll Vortices under a Moving Hurricane Boundary Layer Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 75: 2589-2598. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-17-0363.1 |
0.408 |
2018 |
Teng F, Huang W, Ginis I. Hydrological modeling of storm runoff and snowmelt in Taunton River Basin by applications of HEC-HMS and PRMS models Natural Hazards. 91: 179-199. DOI: 10.1007/S11069-017-3121-Y |
0.397 |
2017 |
Soloviev AV, Lukas R, Donelan MA, Haus BK, Ginis I. Is the State of the Air-Sea Interface a Factor in Rapid Intensification and Rapid Decline of Tropical Cyclones? Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans. 122: 10174-10183. PMID 38025496 DOI: 10.1002/2017JC013435 |
0.445 |
2017 |
Gao K, Ginis I, Doyle JD, Jin Y. Effect of Boundary Layer Roll Vortices on the Development of an Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 74: 2737-2759. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-16-0222.1 |
0.454 |
2017 |
Teng F, Shen Q, Huang W, Ginis I, Cai Y. Characteristics of river flood and storm surge interactions in a tidal river in Rhode Island, USA Procedia Iutam. 25: 60-64. DOI: 10.1016/J.Piutam.2017.09.009 |
0.364 |
2017 |
Soloviev AV, Lukas R, Donelan MA, Haus BK, Ginis I. Is the State of the Air‐Sea Interface a Factor in Rapid Intensification and Rapid Decline of Tropical Cyclones? Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122: 10174-10183. DOI: 10.1002/2017Jc013435 |
0.495 |
2017 |
Blair A, Ginis I, Hara T, Ulhorn E. Impact of Langmuir Turbulence on Upper Ocean Response to Hurricane Edouard: Model and Observations Journal of Geophysical Research. 122: 9712-9724. DOI: 10.1002/2017Jc012956 |
0.549 |
2017 |
Aijaz S, Ghantous M, Babanin AV, Ginis I, Thomas B, Wake G. Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in upper ocean during tropical cyclones using coupled hurricane-ocean-wave modeling Journal of Geophysical Research. 122: 3939-3963. DOI: 10.1002/2016Jc012219 |
0.527 |
2016 |
Reichl BG, Ginis I, Hara T, Thomas B, Kukulka T, Wang D. Impact of Sea-State-Dependent Langmuir Turbulence on the Ocean Response to a Tropical Cyclone Monthly Weather Review. 144: 4569-4590. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-16-0074.1 |
0.534 |
2016 |
Reichl BG, Wang D, Hara T, Ginis I, Kukulka T. Langmuir turbulence parameterization in tropical cyclone conditions Journal of Physical Oceanography. 46: 863-886. DOI: 10.1175/Jpo-D-15-0106.1 |
0.557 |
2016 |
Tuleya RE, Bender M, Knutson TR, Sirutis JJ, Thomas B, Ginis I. Impact of Upper-Tropospheric Temperature Anomalies and Vertical Wind Shear on Tropical Cyclone Evolution Using an Idealized Version of the Operational GFDL Hurricane Model Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 73: 3803-3820. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-16-0045.1 |
0.499 |
2016 |
Gao K, Ginis I. On the equilibrium-state roll vortices and their effects in the hurricane boundary layer Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 73: 1205-1222. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-15-0089.1 |
0.503 |
2015 |
Yablonsky RM, Ginis I, Thomas B, Tallapragada V, Sheinin D, Bernardet L. Description and analysis of the ocean component of NOAA'S operational hurricane weather research and forecasting model (HWRF) Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 32: 144-163. DOI: 10.1175/Jtech-D-14-00063.1 |
0.495 |
2015 |
Rabe TJ, Kukulka T, Ginis I, Hara T, Reichl BG, D'Asaro EA, Harcourt RR, Sullivan PP. Langmuir turbulence under Hurricane Gustav (2008) Journal of Physical Oceanography. 45: 657-677. DOI: 10.1175/Jpo-D-14-0030.1 |
0.582 |
2015 |
Yablonsky RM, Ginis I, Thomas B. Ocean modeling with flexible initialization for improved coupled tropical cyclone-ocean model prediction Environmental Modelling and Software. 67: 26-30. DOI: 10.1016/J.Envsoft.2015.01.003 |
0.445 |
2014 |
Soloviev AV, Lukas R, Donelan MA, Haus BK, Ginis I. The air-sea interface and surface stress under tropical cyclones. Scientific Reports. 4: 5306. PMID 24930493 DOI: 10.1038/Srep05306 |
0.53 |
2014 |
Bueti MR, Ginis I, Rothstein LM, Griffies SM. Tropical cyclone-induced thermocline warming and its regional and global impacts Journal of Climate. 27: 6978-6999. DOI: 10.1175/Jcli-D-14-00152.1 |
0.505 |
2014 |
Gao K, Ginis I. On the generation of roll vortices due to the inflection point instability of the hurricane boundary layer flow Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 71: 4292-4307. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-13-0362.1 |
0.481 |
2014 |
Reichl BG, Hara T, Ginis I. Sea state dependence of the wind stress over the ocean under hurricane winds Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 119: 30-51. DOI: 10.1002/2013Jc009289 |
0.515 |
2013 |
Yablonsky RM, Ginis I. Impact of a warm ocean Eddy's circulation on hurricane-induced sea surface cooling with implications for hurricane intensity Monthly Weather Review. 141: 997-1021. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-12-00248.1 |
0.565 |
2012 |
Rosenfeld D, Woodley WL, Khain A, Cotton WR, Carrió G, Ginis I, Golden JH. Aerosol effects on microstructure and intensity of tropical cyclones Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 93: 987-1001. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00147.1 |
0.327 |
2011 |
Gall JS, Ginis I, Lin SJ, Marchok TP, Chen JH. Experimental tropical cyclone prediction using the GFDL 25-km-resolution global atmospheric model Weather and Forecasting. 26: 1008-1019. DOI: 10.1175/Waf-D-10-05015.1 |
0.465 |
2010 |
Buckingham C, Marchok T, Ginis I, Rothstein L, Rowe D. Short- and medium-range prediction of tropical and transitioning cyclone tracks within the NCEP global ensemble forecasting system Weather and Forecasting. 25: 1736-1754. DOI: 10.1175/2010Waf2222398.1 |
0.332 |
2010 |
Fan Y, Ginis I, Hara T. Momentum flux budget across the air-sea interface under uniform and tropical cyclone winds Journal of Physical Oceanography. 40: 2221-2242. DOI: 10.1175/2010Jpo4299.1 |
0.574 |
2009 |
Goni G, de Maria M, Knaff J, Sampson C, Ginis I, Bringas F, Mavume A, Lauer C, Lin II, Ali MM, Sandery P, Ramos-Buarque S, Kang K, Mehra A, Chassignet E, et al. Applications of satellite-derived ocean measurements to tropical cyclone intensity forecasting Oceanography. 22: 190-197. DOI: 10.5670/Oceanog.2009.78 |
0.451 |
2009 |
Yablonsky RM, Ginis I. Limitation of one-dimensional ocean models for coupled hurricane-ocean model forecasts Monthly Weather Review. 137: 4410-4419. DOI: 10.1175/2009Mwr2863.1 |
0.53 |
2009 |
Fan Y, Ginis I, Hara T, Wright CW, Walsh EJ. Numerical simulations and observations of surface wave fields under an extreme tropical cyclone Journal of Physical Oceanography. 39: 2097-2116. DOI: 10.1175/2009Jpo4224.1 |
0.632 |
2009 |
Fan Y, Ginis I, Hara T. The effect of wind-wave-current interaction on air-sea momentum fluxes and ocean response in tropical cyclones Journal of Physical Oceanography. 39: 1019-1034. DOI: 10.1175/2008Jpo4066.1 |
0.655 |
2008 |
Yablonsky RM, Ginis I. Improving the ocean initialization of coupled hurricane - Ocean models using feature-based data assimilation Monthly Weather Review. 136: 2592-2607. DOI: 10.1175/2007Mwr2166.1 |
0.44 |
2008 |
Moon IJ, Ginis I, Hara T. Impact of the reduced drag coefficient on ocean wave modeling under hurricane conditions Monthly Weather Review. 136: 1217-1223. DOI: 10.1175/2007Mwr2131.1 |
0.516 |
2007 |
Moon IJ, Ginis I, Hara T, Thomas B. A physics-based parameterization of air-sea momentum flux at high wind speeds and its impact on hurricane intensity predictions Monthly Weather Review. 135: 2869-2878. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr3432.1 |
0.52 |
2007 |
Bender MA, Ginis I, Tuleya R, Thomas B, Marchok T. The operational GFDL coupled Hurricane-Ocean prediction system and a summary of its performance Monthly Weather Review. 135: 3965-3989. DOI: 10.1175/2007Mwr2032.1 |
0.449 |
2005 |
Falkovich A, Ginis I, Lord S. Ocean data assimilation and initialization procedure for the coupled GFDL/URI hurricane prediction system Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 22: 1918-1932. DOI: 10.1175/Jtech1810.1 |
0.413 |
2004 |
Ginis I, Khain AP, Morozovsky E. Effects of large eddies on the structure of the marine boundary layer under strong wind conditions Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 61: 3049-3063. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-3342.1 |
0.542 |
2004 |
Frolov SA, Sutyrin GG, Ginis I. Asymmetry of an equilibrated gulf stream-type jet over topographic slope Journal of Physical Oceanography. 34: 1087-1102. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<1087:Aoaegs>2.0.Co;2 |
0.37 |
2004 |
Moon IJ, Ginis I, Hara T. Effect of surface waves on air-sea momentum exchange. Part II: Behavior of drag coefficient under tropical cyclones Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 61: 2334-2348. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(2004)061<2334:Eoswoa>2.0.Co;2 |
0.542 |
2004 |
Moon IJ, Hara T, Ginis I, Belcher SE, Tolman HL. Effect of surface waves on air-sea momentum exchange: Part I: Effect of mature and growing seas Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 61: 2321-2333. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(2004)061<2321:Eoswoa>2.0.Co;2 |
0.564 |
2004 |
Moon IJ, Ginis I, Hara T. Effect of surface waves on Charnock coefficient under tropical cyclones Geophysical Research Letters. 31. DOI: 10.1029/2004Gl020988 |
0.536 |
2004 |
Hara T, Belcher SE, Ginis I, Moon IJ. Air-sea momentum flux at high winds 26th Conference On Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. 32-33. |
0.486 |
2004 |
Ginis I, Moon IJ, Thomas B, Hara T. Effect of ocean waves on air-sea momentum fluxes and hurricane intensity 26th Conference On Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. 34-35. |
0.473 |
2004 |
Dickinson M, Rowe GD, Richardson R, Ginis I, Rothstein LA. Use of numerical weather prediction technology for simulations of historic tropical cyclones 26th Conference On Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. 637-638. |
0.347 |
2003 |
Moon IJ, Ginis I, Hara T, Tolman HL, Wright CW, Walsh EJ. Numerical simulation of sea surface directional wave spectra under hurricane wind forcing Journal of Physical Oceanography. 33: 1680-1706. DOI: 10.1175/2410.1 |
0.538 |
2003 |
Sutyrin GG, Rowe GD, Rothstein LM, Ginis I. Baroclinic eddy interactions with continental slopes and shelves Journal of Physical Oceanography. 33: 283-291. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0283:Beiwcs>2.0.Co;2 |
0.497 |
2003 |
Shen W, Ginis I. Effects of surface heat flux-induced sea surface temperature changes on tropical cyclone intensity Geophysical Research Letters. 30. DOI: 10.1029/2003Gl017878 |
0.457 |
2002 |
Shen W, Ginis I, Tuleya RE. A numerical investigation of land surface water on landfalling hurricanes Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 59: 789-802. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(2002)059<0789:Aniols>2.0.Co;2 |
0.392 |
2002 |
Robertson EJ, Ginis I. Hurricane effects on ocean salinity Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 83: 361. |
0.312 |
2001 |
Sutyrin GG, Ginis I, Frolov SA. Equilibration of baroclinic meanders and deep eddies in a Gulf stream-type jet over a sloping bottom Journal of Physical Oceanography. 31: 2049-2065. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(2001)031<2049:Eobmad>2.0.Co;2 |
0.42 |
2001 |
Knutson TR, Tuleya RE, Shen W, Ginis I. Impact of CO2-Induced Warming on Hurricane Intensities as Simulated in a Hurricane Model with Ocean Coupling Journal of Climate. 14: 2458-2468. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0442(2001)014<2458:Iociwo>2.0.Co;2 |
0.399 |
2001 |
Shen W, Ginis I. The impact of ocean coupling on hurricanes during landfall Geophysical Research Letters. 28: 2839-2842. DOI: 10.1029/2001Gl013151 |
0.492 |
2000 |
Bender MA, Ginis I. Real-case simulations of hurricane-ocean interaction using a high-resolution coupled model: Effects on hurricane intensity Monthly Weather Review. 128: 917-946. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(2000)128<0917:Rcsoho>2.0.Co;2 |
0.49 |
2000 |
Shen W, Tuleya RE, Ginis I. A sensitivity study of the thermodynamic environment on GFDL model hurricane intensity: Implications for global warming Journal of Climate. 13: 109-121. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0442(2000)013<0109:Assott>2.0.Co;2 |
0.453 |
2000 |
Khain A, Ginis I, Falkovich A, Frumin M. Interaction of binary tropical cyclones in a coupled tropical cyclone-ocean model Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 105: 22337-22354. DOI: 10.1029/2000Jd900268 |
0.436 |
2000 |
Mumane RJ, Barton C, Collins E, Donnelly J, Eisner J, Emanuel K, Ginis I, Howard S, Landsea C, Liu KB, Malmquist D, McKay M, Michaels A, Nelson N, Brien JO, et al. Model estimates hurricane wind speed probabilities Eos. 81: 433-438. DOI: 10.1029/00Eo00319 |
0.433 |
1999 |
Ginis I, Rowley C. Implementation of a mesh movement scheme in a multiply nested ocean model and its application to air-sea interaction studies Monthly Weather Review. 127: 1879-1896. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(1999)127<1879:Ioamms>2.0.Co;2 |
0.489 |
1999 |
Richardson RA, Ginis I, Rothstein LM. A numerical investigation of the local ocean response to westerly wind burst forcing in the western equatorial pacific Journal of Physical Oceanography. 29: 1334-1352. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(1999)029<1334:Aniotl>2.0.Co;2 |
0.514 |
1998 |
Ginis I, Richardson RA, Rothstein LM. Design of a multiply nested primitive equation ocean model Monthly Weather Review. 126: 1054-1079. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(1998)126<1054:Doamnp>2.0.Co;2 |
0.483 |
1995 |
Falkovich AI, Khain AP, Ginis I. Motion and Evolution of Binary Tropical Cyclones in a Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean Numerical Model Monthly Weather Review. 123: 1345-1363. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(1995)123<1345:Maeobt>2.0.Co;2 |
0.396 |
1995 |
Ginis I, Sutyrin G. Hurricane-generated depth-averaged currents and sea surface elevation Journal of Physical Oceanography. 25: 1218-1242. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(1995)025<1218:Hgdaca>2.0.Co;2 |
0.488 |
1995 |
Falkovich AI, Khain AP, Ginis I. The influence of air-sea interaction on the development and motion of a tropical cyclone: Numerical experiments with a triply nested model Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 55: 167-184. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01029825 |
0.487 |
1993 |
Bender MA, Ginis I, Kurihara Y. Numerical simulations of tropical cyclone-ocean interaction with a high-resolution coupled model Journal of Geophysical Research. 98. DOI: 10.1029/93Jd02370 |
0.55 |
1993 |
Fal'kovich AI, Khain AP, Ginis ID. Generation and movement of two interacting tropical cyclones in a coupled atmosphere-ocean model with nested movable grids Meteorologiya I Gidrologiya. 44-51. |
0.397 |
1992 |
Fal'kovich AI, Khain AP, Ginis ID. Studying the development and motions of tropical cyclones with ocean-atmosphere model Meteorologiya I Gidrologiya. 23-39. |
0.378 |
1989 |
Ginis ID, Dikinov KZ, Khain AP. Three-dimensional model of the atmosphere and the ocean in a typhoon zone Doklady. Earth Science Sections. 307: 22-26. |
0.458 |
Show low-probability matches. |