Recent additions to Management Tree: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Horst Albach (Info) Humboldt University Berlin acurcio 2024‑08‑22
Sharon A. Alvarez (Info) University of Pittsburgh soniassiraz 2024‑06‑01
Björn Claes (Info) The Open University, UK soniassiraz 2024‑06‑01
David W. Conrath (Info) Penn, University of Waterloo, McMaster University, San Jose State jandh 2023‑12‑11
Donald Erlenkotter (Info) UCLA jandh 2023‑12‑21
Erich Gutenberg (Info) Universität zu Köln acurcio 2024‑08‑22
Christopher A. Higgins (Info) Western University jandh 2023‑12‑11
William Sylvester Jewell (Info) UC Berkeley Operations Research jandh 2023‑12‑18
Julia Kirst (Info) Brandenburg University of Technology acurcio 2024‑08‑22
Mahtab Kouhizadeh (Info) Worcester Polytechnic Institute JosephSarkis 2024‑08‑17
Omar Pérez Figueroa (Info) UIUC, UC Irvine Disaster Management, community management, environmental justice rmccarty 2024‑01‑06
Andreas Salmen (Info) Brandenburg University of Technology acurcio 2024‑08‑22
Rakesh K. Sarin (Info) UCLA jandh 2023‑12‑21
Sonia S. Siraz (Info) University of Essex (United Kingdom) Legitimacy, Entrepreneurship soniassiraz 2024‑06‑01
Milton Louis Smith (Info) Texas Tech Industrial engineering jandh 2023‑11‑14
Diemo Urbig (Info) Brandenburg University of Technology, VU Amsterdam, University of Wuppertal, Eindhoven University of Technology Entrepreneurship, Cognition and Decision, Internat. Contexts, Prosocial Behavior, Opinion Dynamics acurcio 2024‑08‑22
Eero Vaara (Info) University of Oxford, Said Business School soniassiraz 2024‑06‑01
Utz Weitzel (Info) Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands acurcio 2024‑08‑22
John George Wilson (Info) Case Western, Wake Forest, Western University Risk Management, Management Science, Statistics, Bayesian Statistics, Operations Research, Reliability, Maintenance Models jandh 2023‑11‑09
Andrés Zambrano-Curcio (Info) Brandenburg University of Technology acurcio 2024‑08‑22
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