Jill B. Becker | addiction | | 1976 | 1980 | Victor Domingo Ramirez (grad student) |
Minor J. Coon | cytochrome P450 | | 1943 | 1946 | William C. Rose (grad student) |
Eugene E. Dekker | mammalian and bacterial studies on the chemistry, metabolism, and enzymology of amino acids, the characterization of new enzymes, and establishing enzyme structure/function/regulation interrelations | | | 1954 | William C. Rose (grad student) |
Patricia J. Deldin | ERP, depression, schizophrenia, emotion | | 1987 | 1993 | Gregory A. Miller (grad student) |
William J. Gehring | ERPs - Cognition | | 1985 | 1992 | Emanuel Donchin (grad student), Michael G. H. Coles (grad student) |
Paul Alfred Hunsicker | Physical Education | | | 1949 | Thomas Kirk Cureton (grad student) |
Fred J. Karsch | reproductive endocrinology | | | 1970 | Andrew V. Nalbandov (grad student) |
Raymond Nevoy Keller | coordination chemistry and radiochemistry | | | 1940 | John Christian Bailar (grad student) |
George R. LaRue | Parasitology, zoology | | | 1911 | Henry Baldwin Ward (grad student) |
Myron Levine | | | | | Salvador E. Luria (post-doc) |
Yili Liu | | | | | Christopher Wickens (grad student) |
Daniel T. Longone | organic chemistry | | | | Carl Shipp Marvel (post-doc) |
Megan M. Mahoney | Sex, surges, and circadian rhythms | | | | |
Stephen Maren | Neurobiology of learning and memory | Psychology | 1987 | 1989 | Michael Gabriel (research assistant) |
Brandon C. McKinney | schizophrenia, aging, epigenetic, DNA methylation | | 2001 | 2002 | William T. Greenough (grad student) |
Jeffrey Scott Moore | synthesis and study of macromolecules | | | 1989 | Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student) |
Charles Gilbert Overberger | Polymer Research | Chemistry | | 1944 | Carl Shipp Marvel (grad student) |
Robert W. Parry | inorganic chemistry | | | 1946 | John Christian Bailar (grad student) |
Nathaniel K. Szymczak | synthetic transition-metal based inorganic chemistry targeted toward the development of new catalytic transformations for energy recycling and delivery with minimal energy input | | | 2002 | Thomas B. Rauchfuss (research assistant) |
Daniel H. Weissman | Attention | | 1993 | 1999 | Marie T. Banich (grad student) |
Paul Smith Welch | limnology | | | 1913 | Frank Smith (grad student) |
Omar M. Yaghi | inorganic | | | 1990 | Walter George Klemperer (grad student) |