Mark J. Koenigsknecht, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
Microbiology Biology, Genetics, BiochemistryGoogle:
"Mark Koenigsknecht"Parents
Sign in to add mentorDiana M. Downs | grad student | 2011 | UW Madison | |
(Defining robustness in the metabolic network surrounding phosphoribosylamine biosynthesis in Salmonella enterica.) |
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Yu A, Koenigsknecht MJ, Hens B, et al. (2019) Mechanistic Deconvolution of Oral Absorption Model with Dynamic Gastrointestinal Fluid to Predict Regional Rate and Extent of GI Drug Dissolution. The Aaps Journal. 22: 3 |
Paixão P, Bermejo M, Hens B, et al. (2018) Linking the Gastrointestinal Behavior of Ibuprofen with the Systemic Exposure between and within Humans-Part 2: Fed State. Molecular Pharmaceutics |
Bermejo M, Paixão P, Hens B, et al. (2018) Linking the Gastrointestinal Behavior of Ibuprofen with The Systemic Exposure Between and Within Humans - Part 1: Fasted State. Molecular Pharmaceutics |
Paixão P, Bermejo M, Hens B, et al. (2018) Gastric Emptying and Intestinal Appearance of Nonabsorbable Drugs Phenol Red and Paromomycin in Human Subjects: A Multi-Compartment Stomach Approach. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics : Official Journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik E.V |
Sun D, Baker JR, Wen B, et al. (2017) In Vivo Dissolution and Systemic Absorption of Immediate Release Ibuprofen in Human Gastrointestinal Tract Under Fed and Fasted Conditions. Molecular Pharmaceutics |
Hens B, Tsume Y, Bermejo M, et al. (2017) Low Buffer Capacity and Alternating Motility Along The Human Gastrointestinal Tract: Implications for In Vivo Dissolution and Absorption of Ionizable Drugs. Molecular Pharmaceutics |
Chen L, Wilson JE, Koenigsknecht MJ, et al. (2017) NLRP12 attenuates colon inflammation by maintaining colonic microbial diversity and promoting protective commensal bacterial growth. Nature Immunology |
Dahl JU, Gray MJ, Bazopoulou D, et al. (2017) The anti-inflammatory drug mesalamine targets bacterial polyphosphate accumulation. Nature Microbiology. 2: 16267 |
Koenigsknecht M, Baker J, Fioritto AF, et al. (2017) Gastrointestinal Motility and Luminal pH Influence in Vivo Dissolution and Systemic Absorption of Drug Product in Human Gastrointestinal Tract Under Fed and Fasted Conditions Gastroenterology. 152: S206 |
Yu A, Baker JR, Fioritto AF, et al. (2016) Measurement of in vivo Gastrointestinal Release and Dissolution of Three Locally Acting Mesalamine Formulations in Regions of the Human Gastrointestinal Tract. Molecular Pharmaceutics |