Jannell V. Bazurto, Ph.D.

2013 Microbiology ALS University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Microbiology Biology, General Biology, Biochemistry
"Jannell Bazurto"


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Diana M. Downs grad student 2013 UW Madison
 (The opposing effects of AICAR accumulation on the metabolic network surrounding thiamine synthesis.)
Christopher J. Marx post-doc 2015-2018 University of Idaho (Evolution Tree)
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Bruger EL, Hying ZT, Singla D, et al. (2024) Enhanced catabolism of glycine betaine and derivatives provides improved osmotic stress protection in PA1. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. e0031024
Hying ZT, Miller TJ, Loh CY, et al. (2024) Glycine betaine metabolism is enabled in PA1 by alterations to dimethylglycine dehydrogenase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. e0209023
Lee JA, Riazi S, Nemati S, et al. (2023) Correction: Microbial phenotypic heterogeneity in response to a metabolic toxin: Continuous, dynamically shifting distribution of formaldehyde tolerance in Methylobacterium extorquens populations. Plos Genetics. 19: e1010714
Bazurto JV, Nayak DD, Ticak T, et al. (2021) EfgA is a conserved formaldehyde sensor that leads to bacterial growth arrest in response to elevated formaldehyde. Plos Biology. 19: e3001208
Bazurto JV, Bruger EL, Lee JA, et al. (2021) Formaldehyde-responsive proteins, TtmR and EfgA, reveal a tradeoff between formaldehyde resistance and efficient transition to methylotrophy in . Journal of Bacteriology
Bazurto JV, Riazi S, D'Alton S, et al. (2021) Global Transcriptional Response of to Formaldehyde Stress Expands the Role of EfgA and Is Distinct from Antibiotic Translational Inhibition. Microorganisms. 9
Lee JA, Riazi S, Nemati S, et al. (2019) Microbial phenotypic heterogeneity in response to a metabolic toxin: Continuous, dynamically shifting distribution of formaldehyde tolerance in Methylobacterium extorquens populations. Plos Genetics. 15: e1008458
Downs DM, Bazurto JV, Gupta A, et al. (2018) The three-legged stool of understanding metabolism: integrating metabolomics with biochemical genetics and computational modeling. Aims Microbiology. 4: 289-303
Bazurto JV, Dearth SP, Tague ED, et al. (2017) Untargeted metabolomics confirms and extends the understanding of the impact of aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide (AICAR) in the metabolic network of Salmonella enterica. Microbial Cell (Graz, Austria). 5: 74-87
Bazurto JV, Downs DM. (2016) Metabolic network structure and function in bacteria goes beyond conserved enzyme components. Microbial Cell (Graz, Austria). 3: 260-262
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