Todd Robinson, Ph.D.

2011 Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior - Dual Major Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Ecology Biology
"Todd Robinson"


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Katherine L. Gross grad student 2011 Michigan State
 (Impacts of precipitation variability on plant communities.)
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Yates CJ, Robinson T, Wardell-Johnson GW, et al. (2019) High species diversity and turnover in granite inselberg floras highlight the need for a conservation strategy protecting many outcrops. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 7660-7675
Wardell-Johnson G, Wardell-Johnson A, Bradby K, et al. (2016) Application of a Gondwanan perspective to restore ecological integrity in the south-western Australian global biodiversity hotspot Restoration Ecology
Grman E, Robinson TM. (2013) Resource availability and imbalance affect plant-mycorrhizal interactions: a field test of three hypotheses. Ecology. 94: 62-71
Robinson TMP, La Pierre KJ, Vadeboncoeur MA, et al. (2013) Seasonal, not annual precipitation drives community productivity across ecosystems Oikos. 122: 727-738
Grman E, Robinson TM, Klausmeier CA. (2012) Ecological specialization and trade affect the outcome of negotiations in mutualism. The American Naturalist. 179: 567-81
Robinson TM, Gross KL. (2010) The impact of altered precipitation variability on annual weed species. American Journal of Botany. 97: 1625-9
Ball BA, Kominoski JS, Adams HE, et al. (2010) Direct and terrestrial vegetation-mediated effects of environmental change on aquatic ecosystem processes Bioscience. 60: 590-601
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