Burton H. Bluhm, Ph.D.

2006 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Plant Pathology Agriculture
"Burton Bluhm"


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Charles P. Woloshuk grad student 2006 Purdue
 (Regulation of fumonisin biosynthesis in the maize kernel.)
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Molo MS, White JB, Cornish V, et al. (2022) Asymmetrical lineage introgression and recombination in populations of Aspergillus flavus: Implications for biological control. Plos One. 17: e0276556
Lane B, Sharma S, Niu C, et al. (2018) Changes in the Fungal Microbiome of Maize During Hermetic Storage in the United States and Kenya. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 2336
Zaccaron AZ, Bluhm BH. (2017) The genome sequence of Bipolaris cookei reveals mechanisms of pathogenesis underlying target leaf spot of sorghum. Scientific Reports. 7: 17217
Zaccaron AZ, Woloshuk CP, Bluhm BH. (2017) Comparative genomics of maize ear rot pathogens reveals expansion of carbohydrate-active enzymes and secondary metabolism backbone genes in Stenocarpella maydis. Fungal Biology. 121: 966-983
Ridenour JB, Smith JE, Bluhm BH. (2016) The HAP Complex Governs Fumonisin Biosynthesis and Maize Kernel Pathogenesis in Fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Food Protection. 79: 1498-1507
Muller MF, Barnes I, Kunene NT, et al. (2016) Cercospora zeina from maize in South Africa exhibits high genetic diversity and lack of regional population differentiation. Phytopathology
Ridenour JB, Bluhm BH. (2016) The novel fungal-specific gene FUG1 has a role in pathogenicity and fumonisin biosynthesis in Fusarium verticillioides. Molecular Plant Pathology
Zeng F, Arnao E, Zhang G, et al. (2015) Characterization of quinone outside inhibitor fungicide resistance in Cercospora sojina and development of diagnostic tools for its identification Plant Disease. 99: 544-550
Feng C, Bluhm BH, Correll JC. (2015) Construction of a Spinach Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Library as a Resource for Gene Identification and Marker Development Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
Srivastava SK, Huang X, Brar HK, et al. (2014) The genome sequence of the fungal pathogen Fusarium virguliforme that causes sudden death syndrome in soybean. Plos One. 9: e81832
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