Peter R. Ferket

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 
Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Microbiology Biology
"Peter Ferket"


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Michael T. Kidd grad student 1991-1994 NC State/UNC-CH (Cell Biology Tree)
Nasser H. Odetallah grad student 2000 NCSU
Scott D. Crow grad student 2002 NCSU
Adelaide C. Rhodes grad student 2004 NCSU
Yuwares Sungwaraporn grad student 2004 NCSU
Ondulla T. Foye grad student 2005 NCSU
Sharon R. Freeman grad student 2008 NCSU
Diego V. Bohorquez Montero grad student 2010 NCSU
Meghan H. Schwartz grad student 2010 NCSU
Ayuub A. Ayoola grad student 2014 NCSU
Wilmer J. Pacheco Dominguez grad student 2014 NCSU
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Omaliko PC, Ferket PR, Ogundare TE, et al. (2024) Impact of dietary fat types on expression levels of dopamine and serotonin transporters in the ileum of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 103: 104114
Deck CA, Salger SA, Reynolds HM, et al. (2023) Nutritional programming in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Effect of low dietary protein on growth and the intestinal microbiome and transcriptome. Plos One. 18: e0292431
Dosu G, Obanla TO, Zhang S, et al. (2023) Supplementation of ginger root extract into broiler chicken diet: effects on growth performance and immunocompetence. Poultry Science. 102: 102897
Fasina YO, Obanla TO, Ferket PR, et al. (2021) Comparative efficacy of spray-dried plasma and bacitracin methylene disalicylate in reducing cecal colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 100: 101134
Toomer OT, Sanders E, Vu TC, et al. (2020) The effects of high-oleic peanuts as an alternative feed ingredient on broiler performance, ileal digestibility, apparent metabolizable energy, and histology of the intestine. Translational Animal Science. 4: txaa137
Ferket PR, Malheiros RD, Moraes VMB, et al. (2020) Effects of functional oils on the growth, carcass and meat characteristics, and intestinal morphology of commercial turkey toms. Poultry Science. 99: 3752-3760
Vieira R, Ferket P, Malheiros R, et al. (2020) Feeding low dietary levels of organic trace minerals improves broiler performance and reduces excretion of minerals in in litter. British Poultry Science
Toomer OT, Livingston M, Wall B, et al. (2020) Feeding high-oleic peanuts to meat-type broiler chickens enhances the fatty acid profile of the meat produced. Poultry Science. 99: 2236-2245
Jazi V, Farahi M, Khajali F, et al. (2020) Effect of dietary supplementation of whey powder and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, gut and hepatic function, and muscle antioxidant capacity of Japanese quail. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 104: 886-897
Aristimunha P, Mallheiros R, Ferket P, et al. (2020) Effect of Dietary Organic Acids and Humic Substance Supplementation on Performance, Immune Response and Gut Morphology of Broiler Chickens Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 29: 85-94
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