Peter G. Stroot

Civil and Environmental Engineering University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States 
Environmental Engineering, Microbiology Biology
"Peter Stroot"
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Stroot JM, Leach KM, Stroot PG, et al. (2012) Capture antibody targeted fluorescence in situ hybridization (CAT-FISH): dual labeling allows for increased specificity in complex samples. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 88: 275-84
Howard GT, Norton WN, Stroot PG, et al. (2012) Association of the genus Acinetobacter with the decomposition of a swine carcass and the isolation and characterization of a novel strain of Acinetobacter sp. P4. Current Microbiology. 64: 24-33
Buttice AL, Stroot JM, Lim DV, et al. (2010) Removal of sediment and bacteria from water using green chemistry. Environmental Science & Technology. 44: 3514-9
Buttice AL, Stroot PG, Alcantar NA. (2010) Concentration and Removal of Waterborne Bacteria for Easy Detection Biophysical Journal. 98: 408a
Lu T, Stroot PG, Oerther DB. (2009) Reverse transcription of 16S rRNA to monitor ribosome-synthesizing bacterial populations in the environment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 75: 4589-98
Buttice AL, Stroot J, Lim D, et al. (2009) Using A Natural Material For Bacteria Concentration and Removal From Water Biophysical Journal. 96: 315a
Simpson-Stroot JM, Kearns EA, Stroot PG, et al. (2008) Monitoring biosensor capture efficiencies: development of a model using GFP-expressing Escherichia coli O157:H7. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 72: 29-37
Cutter MR, Stroot PG. (2008) Determination of specific growth rate by measurement of specific rate of ribosome synthesis in growing and nongrowing cultures of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74: 901-3
Simpson JM, Stroot PG, Gelman S, et al. (2006) 16S ribosomal RNA tools identify an unexpected predominance of Paenibacillus-like bacteria in an industrial activated sludge system suffering from poor biosolids separation. Water Environment Research : a Research Publication of the Water Environment Federation. 78: 864-71
Saikaly PE, Stroot PG, Oerther DB. (2005) Use of 16S rRNA gene terminal restriction fragment analysis to assess the impact of solids retention time on the bacterial diversity of activated sludge. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71: 5814-22
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