Frank Tufaro

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Microbiology Biology, Cell Biology
"Frank Tufaro"


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Angela P. Dyer grad student 2000 UBC
Sonia N. Yeung grad student 2001 UBC
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Uyama T, Ishida M, Izumikawa T, et al. (2006) Chondroitin 4-O-sulfotransferase-1 regulates E disaccharide expression of chondroitin sulfate required for herpes simplex virus infectivity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 38668-74
Mårdberg K, Trybala E, Tufaro F, et al. (2002) Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein C is necessary for efficient infection of chondroitin sulfate-expressing gro2C cells. The Journal of General Virology. 83: 291-300
Tufaro F. (2002) Host-microbe interactions: Viruses viral strategies for breaching host defenses: Tipping the balance towards survival: Editorial overview Current Opinion in Microbiology. 5: 393-394
Duncan G, McCormick C, Tufaro F. (2001) The link between heparan sulfate and hereditary bone disease: finding a function for the EXT family of putative tumor suppressor proteins. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 108: 511-6
Cheung PK, McCormick C, Crawford BE, et al. (2001) Etiological point mutations in the hereditary multiple exostoses gene EXT1: a functional analysis of heparan sulfate polymerase activity. American Journal of Human Genetics. 69: 55-66
Yeung SN, Tufaro F. (2000) Replicating herpes simplex virus vectors for cancer gene therapy. Expert Opinion On Pharmacotherapy. 1: 623-31
McCormick C, Duncan G, Tufaro F. (2000) Herpes simplex virus: discovering the link between heparan sulphate and hereditary bone tumours. Reviews in Medical Virology. 10: 373-84
Eling DJ, Johnson PA, Sharma S, et al. (2000) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells are highly sensitive to infection by herpes simplex virus-1 via herpesvirus-entry-mediator A Gene Therapy. 7: 1210-1216
Zhang QJ, Chen SS, Saari CA, et al. (2000) Evidence of selective processing of immunodominant epitopes in virally infected cells Journal of Immunology. 164: 4513-4521
McCormick C, Duncan G, Goutsos KT, et al. (2000) The putative tumor suppressors EXT1 and EXT2 form a stable complex that accumulates in the Golgi apparatus and catalyzes the synthesis of heparan sulfate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97: 668-73
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