Xinzhu Yi

2010-2015 National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 
"Xinzhu Yi"
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Yi X, Liang JL, Wen P, et al. (2024) Giant viruses as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes. Nature Communications. 15: 7536
Liang JL, Feng SW, Lu JL, et al. (2024) Hidden diversity and potential ecological function of phosphorus acquisition genes in widespread terrestrial bacteriophages. Nature Communications. 15: 2827
Gao FZ, He LY, Chen X, et al. (2023) Swine farm groundwater is a hidden hotspot for antibiotic-resistant pathogenic Acinetobacter. Isme Communications. 3: 34
Yi X, Wen P, Liang JL, et al. (2022) Phytostabilization mitigates antibiotic resistance gene enrichment in a copper mine tailings pond. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 443: 130255
Yi X, Liang JL, Su JQ, et al. (2022) Globally distributed mining-impacted environments are underexplored hotspots of multidrug resistance genes. The Isme Journal
Yi X, Lin C, Ong EJL, et al. (2019) Expression of resistance genes instead of gene abundance are correlated with trace levels of antibiotics in urban surface waters. Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 250: 437-446
Yi X, Wang M, Zhou Z. (2018) The potential impact of naturally produced antibiotics, environmental factors, and anthropogenic pressure on the occurrence of erm genes in urban soils. Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 245: 282-289
Yi X, Lin C, Ong EJL, et al. (2018) Occurrence and distribution of trace levels of antibiotics in surface waters and soils driven by non-point source pollution and anthropogenic pressure. Chemosphere. 216: 213-223
Yin T, Chen H, Reinhard M, et al. (2017) Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances removal in a full-scale tropical constructed wetland system treating landfill leachate. Water Research. 125: 418-426
Yi X, Tran NH, Yin T, et al. (2017) Removal of selected PPCPs, EDCs, and antibiotic resistance genes in landfill leachate by a full-scale constructed wetlands system. Water Research. 121: 46-60
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