Norman Wingate (Bill) Pirie
Affiliations: | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom |
Biochemistry, virologyGoogle:
"Norman Wingate Pirie"Bio:
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree
Sign in to add mentorFrederick Gowland Hopkins | research scientist | 1929-1934 | Cambridge (Chemistry Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeRichard Laurence Millington Synge | grad student | 1936-1941 | Cambridge (Chemistry Tree) |
Roy Markham | grad student | 1944 | Cambridge (Chemistry Tree) |
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Pirie NW. (1997) 100 and 50 years ago Nature. 390: 659-659 |
Pirie NW. (1994) Some factors controlling carotene destruction by chloroplasts in vitro. Plant Foods For Human Nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands). 45: 35-46 |
Pirie NW. (1994) The Origins of Life on Earth A Retrospective on Ideas Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. 19: 13-21 |
Pirie NW. (1992) Ground rules Nature. 357: 373-374 |
PIRIE NW. (1991) Boring sperm Nature. 351: 704-704 |
Pirie NW. (1990) Jean Brachet: 19 March 1909-10 August 1988. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. Royal Society (Great Britain). 36: 85-99 |
Pirie NW. (1990) Leaf Protein: Production and Use Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. 15: 168-176 |
Pirie N. (1990) International conference report, leaf protein research gains status Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 24: 133-134 |
Pirie N. (1988) Optimal exploitation of leaf carotene Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 22: 1-10 |
PIRIE NW. (1987) No new biology Nature. 329: 758-758 |