Allison Kermode
Affiliations: | Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada |
"Allison Kermode"
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Zeng Y, He X, Danyukova T, et al. (2019) Toward Engineering the Mannose 6-Phosphate Elaboration Pathway in Plants for Enzyme Replacement Therapy of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8 |
Thomas R, Kermode AR. (2018) Enzyme enhancement therapeutics for lysosomal storage diseases: Current status and perspective. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism |
Pierce OM, McNair GR, He X, et al. (2017) N-glycan structures and downstream mannose-phosphorylation of plant recombinant human alpha-L-iduronidase: toward development of enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis I. Plant Molecular Biology |
Guénin S, Hardouin J, Paynel F, et al. (2017) AtPME3, a ubiquitous cell wall pectin methylesterase of Arabidopsis thaliana, alters the metabolism of cruciferin seed storage proteins during post-germinative growth of seedlings. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68: 1083-1095 |
He X, Galpin JD, Miao Y, et al. (2014) Membrane anchors effectively traffic recombinant human glucocerebrosidase to the protein storage vacuole of Arabidopsis seeds but do not adequately control N-glycan maturation. Plant Cell Reports. 33: 2023-32 |
López-Villalobos A, Lücker J, López-Quiróz AA, et al. (2014) Preservation of high phenylalanine ammonia lyase activities in roots of Japanese Striped corn: a potential oral therapeutic to treat phenylketonuria. Cryobiology. 68: 436-45 |
Bie H, Yin J, He X, et al. (2013) Insights into mucopolysaccharidosis I from the structure and action of α-L-iduronidase. Nature Chemical Biology. 9: 739-45 |
He X, Pierce O, Haselhorst T, et al. (2013) Characterization and downstream mannose phosphorylation of human recombinant α-L-iduronidase produced in Arabidopsis complex glycan-deficient (cgl) seeds. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 11: 1034-43 |
He X, Haselhorst T, von Itzstein M, et al. (2012) Production of α-L-iduronidase in maize for the potential treatment of a human lysosomal storage disease. Nature Communications. 3: 1062 |
He X, Haselhorst T, von Itzstein M, et al. (2012) Influence of an ER-retention signal on the N-glycosylation of recombinant human α-L-iduronidase generated in seeds of Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology. 79: 157-69 |