Gunnar Ahlgren | respiration of malignant tissues | | | | |
Sten Ahrland | Chemistry | | | | |
Carlaxel Andersson | | | | 1981 | Ragnar Larsson (grad student) |
Johan Andersson | | | | 2005 | Villy Sundström (grad student) |
Bengt Aurivillius | X-ray diffraction | | | | Lars Gunnar Sillén (grad student) |
Dmitry Baranov | | | | | |
Nils Johan Berlin | chemistry and mineralogy | | | | |
Soumendranath Bhakat | enhanced sampling, molecular dynamics, biophysics | Department of Biophysics | 2015 | 2020 | Pär Söderhjelm (grad student) |
Christian Wilhelm Blomstrand | mineralogy and chemistry | | | 1854 | Nils Johan Berlin (post-doc) |
Jan-Olov Bovin | Microscopy, Materials science | | | | Bengt Aurivillius (grad student), Sten Ahrland (grad student) |
Mirianas Chachisvilis | | | 1993 | 1996 | Villy Sundström (grad student) |
Alice Corani | | | | 2015 | Villy Sundström (grad student) |
Andreas B. Dahlin | | | 2004 | 2007 | Lars Samuelsson (grad student) |
Swati De | | | 2005 | 2006 | Villy Sundström (post-doc) |
Giovanni Di Gregorio | Organic Chemistry, Total Synthesis, Methodology, Natural Products, Drugs | CAS | 2016 | 2017 | Peter Somfai (grad student) |
Benjamin Dietzek | | | | 2006 | Villy Sundström (post-doc) |
Karen J. Edler | | | | | |
Lars-Ivar Elding | | Physical chemistry | | 1970 | Ido Leden (grad student) |
Salo Gronowitz | | | | | |
Erik Donovan Hedegård | | | | | |
Anita AH Hoang | Organic synthesis | | | | |
Bror Holmberg | Organic chemistry | | | 1906 | Johan Martin Lovén (grad student) |
Azhar Iqbal | | | 2010 | 2013 | Arkady Yartsev (post-doc) |
Andrew J Jackson | Colloid Science, neutron scattering, polymers | | | | |
Olof Johansson | | Dep. of Physics | 2006 | 2011 | Joakim Bood (grad student) |
Magnus T. Johnson | | Centre for Analysis and Synthesis | 2008 | 2013 | Ola F. Wendt (grad student) |
Bo Jönsson | | | | | |
Arunkumar Kathiravan | | | 2009 | 2011 | Villy Sundström (post-doc) |
Dmitry Khoptyar | | | | | |
Peter Klason | Organic chemistry | | | 1874 | Christian Wilhelm Blomstrand (grad student) |
Mandar Kulkarni | | Department of Biophysics | 2018 | 2020 | Pär Söderhjelm (post-doc) |
Ragnar Larsson | | | | 1963 | Sten Ahrland (grad student) |
Ido Leden | | | | | |
Nils Lenngren | | | 2011 | 2015 | Tönu Pullerits (grad student) |
Filip Lenrick | Microscopy, Materials science | | | | |
Johan Martin Lovén | | | | 1882 | Peter Klason (grad student) |
Simon Lukato | Heterogeneous catalysis | Chemistry | | | Ola F. Wendt (grad student) |
Mikael Lund | | | | 2006 | Bo Jönsson (grad student) |
Göran Magnusson | | | | | |
Ujjwal Mandal | | | 2012 | 2014 | Villy Sundström (post-doc) |
Oleg Mirzov | | | | 2008 | Villy Sundström (grad student) |
Ulf J. Nilsson | | | | 1995 | Göran Magnusson (grad student) |
Bengt Nordén | | | | 1971 | Ragnar Larsson (grad student) |
Tomas Osterman | | | | 2015 | Villy Sundström (grad student), Arkady Yartsev (grad student), Petter Persson (grad student) |
Kumar Bhaskar Pal | | | 2016 | 2017 | Ulf J. Nilsson (post-doc) |
Petter Persson | | | | | |
Chandra Prakash Prasad | Wnt5A | | | | |
Ludwig Ramberg | Organic chemistry | | | 1902 | Johan Martin Lovén (grad student) |
Anders Reinholdt | | | | | |
Anders Jahan Retzius | | | | 1764 | Christian Wollin (grad student) |
Marina Romero-Ramos | Parkinson's disease | | | | Anders Björklund (post-doc) |
Björn O. Roos | self-consistent field (SCF) calculations | | | | |
Lubomír Rulíšek | | | 2002 | 2004 | Ulf Ryde (post-doc) |
Ulf Ryde | Theoretical Chemistry | | 1998 | 2008 | Per-Ola Norrby (collaborator) |
Lars Samuelsson | | | | | |
Maria Selmer | | | | | |
Sudipta Seth | | | | | Ivan G. Scheblykin (post-doc) |
Juha Siitonen | Organic Synthesis, Computational Chemistry, Chemistry Education | Chemistry | 2017 | 2017 | Peter Somfai (grad student) |
Pär Söderhjelm | | | | | Ulf Ryde (grad student) |
Peter Somfai | | | | | |
Johan Stenflo | | | | | |
Daniel Strand | | | | | |
Villy Sundström | Photochemistry, time-resolved spectroscopy, | | | | |
Kálmán J. Szabó | | | | 1993 | Salo Gronowitz (grad student) |
Jens Uhlig | | | | 2011 | Villy Sundström (grad student) |
Robert Vacha | | | 2011 | 2011 | Mikael Lund (post-doc) |
L. Reine Wallenberg | Microscopy, Materials science | | | 1987 | Jan-Olov Bovin (grad student) |
Carl-Johan Wallentin | Catalysis, synthesis | | 2009 | 2010 | Kenneth Wärnmark (grad student), Villy Sundström (post-doc) |
Fei Wang | Solid State Chemistry | | | | Sven Lidin (post-doc) |
Kenneth Wärnmark | Supramolecular chemistry | | 1996 | | Per-Ola Norrby (collaborator) |
Ola F. Wendt | | Inorganic chemistry | 1991 | 1996 | Lars-Ivar Elding (grad student) |
Sebastian Westenhoff | | | 2001 | 2002 | Villy Sundström (research assistant), Arkady Yartsev (research assistant) |
Christian Wollin | | | | | |