Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Marin Alexe Ulrich Gösele (research scientist)
Julien BachmannInorganic chemistry, materials, energy research20062007 Ulrich Gösele (post-doc)
Attila CangiElectronic structure theory, Materials science, Machine Learning20112016 Eberhard KU Gross (post-doc)
Basile F. E. CurchodNonadiabatic dynamics Theory20152016 Eberhard KU Gross (post-doc)
Ulrich Gösele
Eli Kraisler Theory20152018 Eberhard KU Gross (post-doc)
Urmimala Maitra20192020 Stuart S.P. Parkin (post-doc)
Ayan Roy Chaudhurioxide -semiconductor thin films and heterostrutcures, electronic, sensing, energy materials and devices experimental department II20102011 Marin Alexe (post-doc)