Chloe M. Funkhouser

2011 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Lipid Bilayer Membrane, Phase-field Model, Phase Separation, Spontaneous Curvature
"Chloe Funkhouser"

Funkhouser, Chloe M., Phase-Field Simulations of Multicomponent Lipid Membranes Coupling Composition with Deformation, thesis University of Michigan (2011)

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Michael Mayer grad student 2011 University of Michigan
 (Phase-Field Simulations of Multicomponent Lipid Membranes Coupling Composition with Deformation.)
Katsuyo S. Thornton grad student 2011 University of Michigan (E-Tree)
 (Phase-Field Simulations of Multicomponent Lipid Membranes Coupling Composition with Deformation.)
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Funkhouser CM, Solis FJ, Thornton K. (2014) Dynamics of coarsening in multicomponent lipid vesicles with non-uniform mechanical properties. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 140: 144908
Funkhouser CM, Mayer M, Solis FJ, et al. (2013) Effects of interleaflet coupling on the morphologies of multicomponent lipid bilayer membranes. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138: 024909
Funkhouser CM, Sknepnek R, Olvera De La Cruz M. (2013) Topological defects in the buckling of elastic membranes Soft Matter. 9: 60-68
Funkhouser CM, Solis FJ, Thornton K. (2010) Dynamics of two-phase lipid vesicles: Effects of mechanical properties on morphology evolution Soft Matter. 6: 3462-3466
Funkhouser CM, Solis FJ, Thornton K. (2010) Phase-Field Modeling and Simulations of Lipid Membranes Coupling Composition with Membrane Mechanical Properties Biophysical Journal. 98: 281a
Funkhouser CM, Solis FJ, Thornton K. (2009) Simulations of the Morphological Evolution of Lipid Bilayer Membranes Using a Phase-Field Method Biophysical Journal. 96: 354a-355a
Solis FJ, Funkhouser CM, Thornton K. (2008) Conditions for overall planarity in membranes: Applications to multicomponent membranes with lamellar morphology Epl. 82
Funkhouser CM, Solis FJ, Thornton K. (2007) Coupled composition-deformation phase-field method for multicomponent lipid membranes. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 76: 011912
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