Steven R. Higgins, Ph.D.

2002- Chemistry Wright State University, Fairborn, OH, United States 
surface chemistry, scanning probe microscopy
"Steven Higgins"
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Dickinson WW, Aravind SJ, Higgins SR, et al. (2020) Using atomic force spectroscopy to study oil/mineral interactions at reservoir temperatures and pressures Fuel. 259: 116194
Brittle SW, Foose DP, O'Neil KA, et al. (2018) A Raman-Based Imaging Method for Characterizing the Molecular Adsorption and Spatial Distribution of Silver Nanoparticles to Hydrated Mineral Surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology
Weber J, Bracco JN, Poplawsky JD, et al. (2018) Unraveling the Effects of Strontium Incorporation on Barite Growth—In Situ and Ex Situ Observations Using Multiscale Chemical Imaging Crystal Growth & Design. 18: 5521-5533
Bracco JN, Gooijer Y, Higgins SR. (2016) Hydrothermal atomic force microscopy observations of barite step growth rates as a function of the aqueous barium-to-sulfate ratio Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 183: 1-13
Bracco JN, Gooijer Y, Higgins SR. (2016) Growth kinetics of step edges on celestite (001) surfaces as a function of temperature, saturation state, ionic strength, and aqueous strontium: Sulfate ratio: An in-situ atomic force microscopy study Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 175: 222-238
Chassé AW, Ohno T, Higgins SR, et al. (2015) Chemical Force Spectroscopy Evidence Supporting the Layer-by-Layer Model of Organic Matter Binding to Iron (oxy)Hydroxide Mineral Surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology
Cubillas P, Hu X, Higgins SR. (2015) Strontium incorporation during calcite growth: Implications for chemical mapping using friction force microscopy Chemical Geology. 411: 274-282
Bracco JN, Stack AG, Higgins SR. (2014) Magnesite step growth rates as a function of the aqueous magnesium:carbonate ratio Crystal Growth and Design. 14: 6033-6040
Xu M, Sullivan K, Vanness G, et al. (2013) Dissolution kinetics and mechanisms at dolomite-water interfaces: effects of electrolyte specific ionic strength. Environmental Science & Technology. 47: 110-8
Barney IT, Lennaerts DSR, Higgins SR, et al. (2012) Specific surface area of hierarchical graphitic substrates suitable for multi-functional applications Materials Letters. 88: 160-163
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