Fei Huang, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Physics | Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United States |
phase transitions in colloidal suspensionsGoogle:
"Fei Huang"Parents
Sign in to add mentorSeth Fraden | grad student | 2009 | Brandeis | |
(Interactions and collective behavior of attractive colloidal rods and microspheres grafted with filamentous bacteriophage.) |
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Huang F, Addas K, Ward A, et al. (2009) Pair potential of charged colloidal stars. Physical Review Letters. 102: 108302 |
Huang F, Rotstein R, Fraden S, et al. (2009) Phase behavior and rheology of attractive rod-like particles Soft Matter. 5: 2766-2771 |