Hermioni D. Zouridis, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Chemical and Biological Engineering | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
"Hermioni Zouridis"Parents
Sign in to add mentorOlke C. Uhlenbeck | grad student | 2008 | Northwestern | |
(Large scale complex protein synthesis networks: Modeling and analysis of translation elongation behavior.) |
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Zouridis H, Hatzimanikatis V. (2008) Effects of codon distributions and tRNA competition on protein translation. Biophysical Journal. 95: 1018-33 |
Zouridis H, Hatzimanikatis V. (2007) A model for protein translation: polysome self-organization leads to maximum protein synthesis rates. Biophysical Journal. 92: 717-30 |