Margaret E. Welk, Ph.D.

1998-2002 Chemistry Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
 2003- Sandia National Laboratories 
Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry
"Margaret Welk"


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Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier grad student 1998-2002 Northwestern
 (Crystal building chemistry of vanadium, niobium and tungsten oxide fluoride anions.)
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Nyman M, Larentzos JP, Maginn EJ, et al. (2007) Experimental and theoretical methods to investigate extraframework species in a layered material of dodecaniobate anions. Inorganic Chemistry. 46: 2067-79
Welk ME, Stern CL, Poeppelmeier KR, et al. (2007) Effects of reaction gel dehydration on the synthesis of Cu(NC 5H5)4VOF4 and [Cu(NC 5H5)4VOF4][Cu(NC5H 5)4(H2O)VOF4]·H2O Crystal Growth and Design. 7: 956-961
Welk ME, Norquist AJ, Arnold FP, et al. (2002) Out-of-center distortions in d(0) transition metal oxide fluoride anions. Inorganic Chemistry. 41: 5119-25
Welk ME, Norquist AJ, Stern CL, et al. (2001) The ordered [WO(2)F(4)](2-) anion. Inorganic Chemistry. 40: 5479-80
Welk ME, Norquist AJ, Stern CL, et al. (2000) The structure-directing properties of [VOF5]2-. Inorganic Chemistry. 39: 3946-7
Norquist AJ, Welk ME, Stern CL, et al. (2000) Synthesis of the neutral (CuF(NC5H5)4)2NbOF5 cluster Chemistry of Materials. 12: 1905-1909
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