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Alfred Seeger grad student 1970 University of Stuttgart
 (Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der Versetzungsanordnung verformter Kupfereinkristalle im belasteten Zustand)
Manfred Wilkens grad student 1970 Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung
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Mughrabi H. (2020) Revisiting "Steady-State" Monotonic and Cyclic Deformation: Emphasizing the Quasi-Stationary State of Deformation Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 51: 1441-1456
Favier V, Blanche A, Wang C, et al. (2016) Very high cycle fatigue for single phase ductile materials: Comparison between α-iron, copper and α-brass polycrystals International Journal of Fatigue. 93: 326-338
Mughrabi H, Antolovich SD. (2016) A tribute to Claude Bathias - Highlights of his pioneering work in Gigacycle Fatigue International Journal of Fatigue
Mughrabi H. (2015) Microstructural mechanisms of cyclic deformation, fatigue crack initiation and early crack growth. Philosophical Transactions. Series a, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 373
Mughrabi H. (2014) Comment on 'Constant intermittent flow of dislocations: Central problems in plasticity' by L. M. Brown Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom). 30: 123-126
Phung NL, Favier V, Ranc N, et al. (2014) Very high cycle fatigue of copper: Evolution, morphology and locations of surface slip markings International Journal of Fatigue. 63: 68-77
Mughrabi H. (2014) The importance of sign and magnitude of γ/γ′ lattice misfit in superalloys - With special reference to the new γ′-hardened cobalt-base superalloys Acta Materialia. 81: 21-29
Mughrabi H. (2013) Cyclic strain rate effects in fatigued face-centred and body-centred cubic metals Philosophical Magazine. 93: 3821-3834
Mughrabi H. (2013) Damage mechanisms and fatigue lives: From the low to the very high cycle regime Procedia Engineering. 55: 636-644
Mughrabi H. (2013) Microstructural fatigue mechanisms: Cyclic slip irreversibility, crack initiation, non-linear elastic damage analysis International Journal of Fatigue. 57: 2-8
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