Fox S. Peterson, Ph.D.

2012 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture
"Fox Peterson"


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Kate Lajtha grad student 2012 Oregon State
 (Post-Harvest Establishment Influences ANPP, Soil C and DOC Export in Complex Mountainous Terrain.)
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Peterson FS, Sexton J, Lajtha K. (2013) Scaling litter fall in complex terrain: A study from the western Cascades Range, Oregon Forest Ecology and Management. 306: 118-127
Peterson FS, Lajtha KJ. (2013) Linking aboveground net primary productivity to soil carbon and dissolved organic carbon in complex terrain Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 118: 1225-1236
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