Sean P. Bryan, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | Geology | University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States |
Paleoclimate Science, Marine Geology, GeochemistryGoogle:
"Sean Bryan"Parents
Sign in to add mentorScott J. Lehman | grad student | 2010 | CU Boulder | |
(An investigation of the oceanic redistribution of carbon during the last deglaciation.) |
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Marchitto T, Bryan S, Doss W, et al. (2018) A simple biomineralization model to explain Li, Mg, and Sr incorporation into aragonitic foraminifera and corals Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 481: 20-29 |
Marchitto TM, Curry WB, Lynch-Stieglitz J, et al. (2014) Improved oxygen isotope temperature calibrations for cosmopolitan benthic foraminifera Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 130: 1-11 |
Bryan SP, Marchitto TM. (2010) Testing the utility of paleonutrient proxies Cd/Ca and Zn/Ca in benthic foraminifera from thermocline waters Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 11: n/a-n/a |
Bryan SP, Marchitto TM, Lehman SJ. (2010) The release of 14C-depleted carbon from the deep ocean during the last deglaciation: Evidence from the Arabian Sea Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 298: 244-254 |
Bryan SP, Marchitto TM. (2008) Mg/Ca-temperature proxy in benthic foraminifera: New calibrations from the Florida Straits and a hypothesis regarding Mg/Li Paleoceanography. 23 |
Marchitto TM, Bryan SP, Curry WB, et al. (2007) Mg/Ca temperature calibration for the benthic foraminifer Cibicidoides pachyderma Paleoceanography. 22 |