Benoit Robert

Mathematics and Industrial Engineering Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada) 
Industrial Engineering, Management Business Administration
"Benoit Robert"
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Heinzlef C, Robert B, Hémond Y, et al. (2020) Operating urban resilience strategies to face climate change and associated risks: some advances from theory to application in Canada and France Cities. 104: 102762
Rahi K, Bourgault M, Robert B. (2019) Benchmarking Project Resilience The Journal of Modern Project Management. 7
Delvosalle C, Robert B, Nourry J, et al. (2017) Considering critical infrastructures in the land use planning policy around Seveso plants Safety Science. 97: 27-33
Robert B, Morabito L, Cloutier I, et al. (2015) Interdependent critical infrastructures resilience: methodology and case study Disaster Prevention and Management. 24: 70-79
Hémond Y, Robert B. (2014) Assessment process of the resilience potential of critical infrastructures International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. 10: 200-217
Robert B, Hémond Y. (2013) Organizational resilience: A multidisciplinary sociotechnical challenge Resilience and Urban Risk Management - Proceedings of the Conference 'How the Concept of Resilience Is Able to Improve Urban Risk Management? a Temporal and a Spatial Analysis'. 119-125
Hémond Y, Robert B. (2012) Evaluation of1 state of resilience for a critical infrastructure in a context of interdependencies International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. 8: 95-106
Hémond Y, Robert B. (2012) Preparedness: The state of the art and future prospects Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal. 21: 404-417
Sanchez H, Robert B. (2010) A matrix for monitoring the strategic performance of project portfolios International Journal of Project Organisation and Management. 2: 135-153
Robert B, Morabito L. (2010) An approach to identifying geographic interdependencies among Critical Infrastructures International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. 6: 17-30
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