Walter S. Hendrixson

1882-1888 Antioch College 
 1890-1925 Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA, United States 
Analytical chemistry
"Walter Scott Hendrixson"

(1859 - 1925)


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Henry Barker Hill grad student 1893 Harvard
 (Chlor-sulphopyromucic acids, with an historical sketch of pyromucic acid and its derivatives)
Walther Nernst post-doc 1895 Universität Göttingen


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D. Wright Wilson research assistant 1910 Grinnell College
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Hendrixson WS. (1925) Die Bestimmung der Jodsäure und des Silbers durch elektrometrische Titration Zeitschrift FüR Analytische Chemie. 67: 411-413
Hendrixson WS. (1925) The action of some oxidizing agents on sulfite. II Journal of the American Chemical Society. 47: 2156-2159
Hendrixson WS. (1925) The action of some oxidizing agents on sulfite and its determination with iodate Journal of the American Chemical Society. 47: 1318-1325
Hendrixson WS. (1923) Electrometric titration of iodate, bromate, chlorate, ferricyanide with titanous sulfate Journal of the American Chemical Society. 45: 2013-2017
Hendrixson WS, Verbeck LM. (1922) The electrometric standardizing of titanous solutions. (preliminary report) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 44: 2382-2386
Hendrixson WS. (1921) The electro-titration of hydriodic acid and its use as a standard in oxidimetry The Journal of the American Chemical Society. 43: 14-23
Hendrixson WS. (1921) Electrometric determination of bromate, dichromate, nitrite and chloride ions Journal of the American Chemical Society. 43: 1309-1317
Hendrixson WS. (1921) The determination of iodic acid and silver by electrometric titration Journal of the American Chemical Society. 43: 858-866
Hendrixson WS. (1920) Further work on potassium hydrogen phthalate as a standard in volumetric analysis The Journal of the American Chemical Society. 42: 724-727
Hendrixson WS. (1912) Perchloric acid in electrochemical analysis Journal of the American Chemical Society. 34: 389-392
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